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1 July 2024 Review and Analysis of Electronic Monitoring (EM) Minimum Standards for Pelagic Main Fishing Gear
Yueying Sun, Shengmao Zhang, Shenglong Yang, Weifeng Zhou, Xuesen Cui, Yumei Wu
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Sun, Y.; Zhang, S.; Yang, S.; Zhou, W.; Cui, X., and Wu, Y., 2024. Review and analysis of electronic monitoring (EM) minimum standards for pelagic main fishing gear. Journal of Coastal Research, 40(4), 816–825. Charlotte (North Carolina), ISSN 0749-0208.

Observer systems for monitoring and collecting catch information from pelagic fisheries are essential in ensuring the sustainable harvesting of pelagic fisheries resources. The emergence in recent years of electronic observers that rely on video surveillance is gradually becoming a complementary or alternative measure to human observers. Electronic observers' security and ease of use make full electronic monitoring (EM) of ocean-going fishing ships possible while ensuring complete data availability. The development and improvement of its standards are the keys to ensuring the large-scale application of EM. This paper summarizes and justifies the minimum standards for EM for pelagic fishing by analyzing the standards and current status of human observers, documenting the functions and applications of EM systems, comparing the monitoring capabilities of human observers and EM, and analyzing the characteristics of the three main fishing methods: purse seine, trawl, and longline, respectively, in terms of equipment platform technology, data collection, and data management. The development of EM standards can clarify the cost of the entire monitoring process, ensure the compliance and economics of EM, and achieve effective long-term monitoring of pelagic fishing.

Yueying Sun, Shengmao Zhang, Shenglong Yang, Weifeng Zhou, Xuesen Cui, and Yumei Wu "Review and Analysis of Electronic Monitoring (EM) Minimum Standards for Pelagic Main Fishing Gear," Journal of Coastal Research 40(4), 816-825, (1 July 2024).
Received: 18 August 2023; Accepted: 9 November 2023; Published: 1 July 2024
electronic monitoring (EM)
electronic monitoring standards
human observers
Pelagic fishing
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