Kobashi, D. and Jose, F., 2018. Potential impacts of sand mining on hydrodynamics and fine sediment suspension and deposition on an inner-shelf shoal. In: Almar, R.; Almeida, L.P.; Trung Viet, N., and Sall, M. (eds.), Tropical Coastal and Estuarine Dynamics. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 81, pp. 76–85. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
Wave and hydrodynamic models are implemented to investigate whether sand mining on a transgressive sand shoal could influence hydrodynamic processes and sedimentary environment of the shoal covered with fine sediments. An effort is made to evaluating shoal hydrodynamic response to a hypothetical dredging scenario under a host of probable storm conditions. The model results show that changes in hydrodynamic and sedimentary environment strongly depend on the storm conditions and the shoal bathymetry. Wave dissipation, flow conditions and sediment re-suspension are significantly higher on the shallower western shoal and gradually decrease toward the deeper eastern section of the shoal. The finding suggests that the deeper eastern shoal can be exposed to frequent deposition of fine sediments, as opposed to the western shoal, despite its location farther away from the nearby major river mouth. It is concluded that large-scale sand mining, in particular from the shallower western shoal, is expected to profoundly alter the hydrodynamics and sediment suspension and deposition processes, which may also influence the benthic ecology of the shoal. The mining from the deeper eastern shoal may result in lesser impacts than the mining from the ecologically sensitive western shoal.