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26 May 2020 Modelling 2D Coastal Flooding at Fine-scale Over Vulnerable Lowlands using Satellite-derived Topobathymetry, Hydrodynamic and Overflow Simulations
Antoine Collin, Coraline Calle, Dorothée James, Stéphane Costa, Olivier Maquaire, Robert Davidson, Antonio Trigo-Teixeira
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Collin, A.; Calle, C.; James, D.; Costa, S.; Maquaire, O.; Davidson, R., and Trigo-Teixeira, A., 2020. Modelling 2D coastal flooding at fine-scale over vulnerable lowlands using satellite-derived topobathymetry, hydrodynamic and overflow simulations. In: Malvárez, G. and Navas, F. (eds.), Global Coastal Issues of 2020. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 95, pp. 1052-1056. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.

Flooding simulation across shallow waters and lowlands has been successful for the diagnosis and prognosis of the submerged land areas during extreme sea water levels. However this method is traditionally implemented to linear transects (1D) of discretely-measured topobathymetry or medium-to-coarse-grained 2D modelling. This research aims at mapping the coastal flooding risk at very high spatial resolution (1 m) by simulating hazardous cyclonic waves on exposed lands and vulnerable buildings using a combination of satellite-derived topobathymetry, wave transformation and overflow modelling. Applied to the Rangiroa Atoll (French Polynesia), the topobathymetry mapping resulted from the merging of the topography derived from the Pleiades-1 stereo-photogrammetry (R2=0.84) and bathymetry retrieved from the Pleiades-1 radiative transfer modelling (R2=0.71). Associated with the exposure index, the wave simulation of the 1983-cyclone Orama-Nisha produced hazardous heights of 1.78 m before the swash area, what enabled the lowlands' submersion to be mapped. Focused on churches and houses' vulnerability, the standardized flooding risk has been mapped at 1 m, accurately informing the near-future planning for this atoll area.

©Coastal Education and Research Foundation, Inc. 2020
Antoine Collin, Coraline Calle, Dorothée James, Stéphane Costa, Olivier Maquaire, Robert Davidson, and Antonio Trigo-Teixeira "Modelling 2D Coastal Flooding at Fine-scale Over Vulnerable Lowlands using Satellite-derived Topobathymetry, Hydrodynamic and Overflow Simulations," Journal of Coastal Research 95(sp1), 1052-1056, (26 May 2020).
Received: 31 March 2019; Accepted: 13 February 2020; Published: 26 May 2020
flooding risk
numerical modelling
satellite bathymetry
satellite photogrammetry
very high resolution
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