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1 June 2014 Type of Intercept Trap Not Important for Capturing Female Sirex noctilio and S. nigricornis (Hymenoptera: Siricidae) in North America
Laurel J. Haavik, Elder Batista, Kevin J. Dodds, Wood Johnson, James R. Meeker, Taylor A. Scarr, Jeremy D. Allison
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Current detection tools for Sirex noctilio F. (Hymenoptera: Siricidae) in North America are poor. To determine the importance of intercept trap type for capturing females of S. noctilio and its native congener, Sirex nigricornis F., in eastern North America, we report on seven trap comparison studies from different years and geographic locations. Among studies, total numbers of S. noctilio captured were low (mean of ≤1 wasp per trap). Total numbers of S. nigricornis caught were generally greater, and ranged from a mean of 1–13 wasps per trap. Nearly all studies found no significant differences among intercept trap types in the number of woodwasps caught. For future studies, we recommend that either panel or 12-unit Lindgren funnel traps be used to catch S. noctilio or S. nigricornis in eastern North America.

Laurel J. Haavik, Elder Batista, Kevin J. Dodds, Wood Johnson, James R. Meeker, Taylor A. Scarr, and Jeremy D. Allison "Type of Intercept Trap Not Important for Capturing Female Sirex noctilio and S. nigricornis (Hymenoptera: Siricidae) in North America," Journal of Economic Entomology 107(3), 1295-1298, (1 June 2014).
Received: 12 March 2014; Accepted: 1 March 2014; Published: 1 June 2014

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delimitation survey
European woodwasp
invasive species
Lindgren funnel trap
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