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28 December 2016 Field Evaluation of Insecticides for Control of Cabbage Maggot (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) in Rutabaga in Canada
W. G. van Herk, R. S. Vernon, D. R. Waterer, J. H. Tolman, P. J. Lafontaine, R. P. Prasad
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At the time of this research, there were only two insecticides registered for control of cabbage maggot, Delia radicum L., in rutabaga in Canada, one of which (diazinon) will be deregistered by 2017, and resistance having been reported in some areas for the other (chlorpyrifos). To screen for chemistries to replace these organophosphates, and obtain efficacy data comparable between key vegetable brassica production areas in Canada, four small plot field studies were conducted concurrently in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Ontario, and Quebec in 2009. These studies followed standardized protocols for seeding, application of insecticide drenches, sampling and damage assessment, and generally tested the same products. Of the insecticides evaluated, none provided maggot control comparable with the industry standard, chlorpyrifos. However, cyantraniliprole (Cyazypyr 200SC; registered in 2015 as Verimark) applied at 3 g AI (15.0 ml product)/100 m row of seeded rutabagas consistently provided the next highest reduction in % culls, suggesting the efficacy of this chemical may be improved if used at higher rates. The results of these studies are discussed in the context of current literature on D. radicum management in rutabaga. Future management strategies are also discussed, including a transplant plug treatment approach for increasing the dosage per plant and efficacy of chemistries such as Cyazypyr 200SC in the field.

© Crown copyright 2016.
W. G. van Herk, R. S. Vernon, D. R. Waterer, J. H. Tolman, P. J. Lafontaine, and R. P. Prasad "Field Evaluation of Insecticides for Control of Cabbage Maggot (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) in Rutabaga in Canada," Journal of Economic Entomology 110(1), 177-185, (28 December 2016).
Received: 29 June 2016; Accepted: 23 September 2016; Published: 28 December 2016

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cabbage root maggot
Delia radicum
drench application
insecticide trial
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