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6 July 2024 Assessment of the USDA Biomass Harvest Trap (USDA-BHT) device as an insect harvest and mosquito surveillance tool
Paula Lado, D. Christopher Rogers, Natalia Cernicchiaro, Sabrina Swistek, Kortnee Van Nest, Phillip Shults, Robert D. Ewing, Danelle Okeson, Daniel Brabec, Lee W. Cohnstaedt
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Insects are a promising source of high-quality protein, and the insect farming industry will lead to higher sustainability when it overcomes scaling up, cost effectiveness, and automation. In contrast to insect farming (raising and breeding insects as livestock), wild insect harvesting (collecting agricultural insect pests), may constitute a simple sustainable animal protein supplementation strategy. For wild harvest to be successful sufficient insect biomass needs to be collected while simultaneously avoiding the collection of nontarget insects. We assessed the performance of the USDA Biomass HarvestTrap (USDA-BHT) device to collect flying insect biomass and as a mosquito surveillance tool. The USDA-BHT device was compared to other suction traps commonly used for mosquito surveillance (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) light traps, Encephalitis virus surveillance traps, and Biogents Sentinel traps). The insect biomass harvested in the USDA-BHT was statistically higher than the one harvested in the other traps, however the mosquito collections between traps were not statistically significantly different. The USDA-BHT collected some beneficial insects, although it was observed that their collection was minimized at night. These findings coupled with the fact that sorting time to separate the mosquitoes from the other collected insects was significantly longer for the USDA-BHT, indicate that the use of this device for insect biomass collection conflicts with its use as an efficient mosquito surveillance tool. Nevertheless, the device efficiently collected insect biomass, and thus can be used to generate an alternative protein source for animal feed.

Paula Lado, D. Christopher Rogers, Natalia Cernicchiaro, Sabrina Swistek, Kortnee Van Nest, Phillip Shults, Robert D. Ewing, Danelle Okeson, Daniel Brabec, and Lee W. Cohnstaedt "Assessment of the USDA Biomass Harvest Trap (USDA-BHT) device as an insect harvest and mosquito surveillance tool," Journal of Economic Entomology 117(4), 1273-1279, (6 July 2024).
Received: 6 December 2023; Accepted: 22 April 2024; Published: 6 July 2024

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biomass harvest trap
insect biomass
insect harvesting
mosquito collection
sustainable Agriculture
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