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1 August 2000 Pupation Site Selection of Cat Fleas (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae) in Various Carpet Types and Its Influence on Insecticide Efficacy
Robert J. Miller, Michael W. Dryden, Alberto B. Broce, Daniel R. Suiter
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Pupation sites of cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis (Bouché), larvae were determined in three styles of nylon and one style of wool carpet. Nylon saxony carpet had 59.3% of pupae at the top of the pile and 40% at the base of the pile. In nylon contract carpet, 55.2% of pupae were found at the top, 42.6% in the middle, and only 2.2% at the base of the pile. Nylon loop carpet contained 59.2% of pupae at the base, 25.5% in the middle, and 15.3% in the top of the pile. Wool loop carpet had 92.4% at the base and 3.8% both in the middle and top of the pile. Bioassays comparing the control of pupae manually placed at the base of carpets to that in carpets with natural pupation showed that control of pupae in the latter was 39–68% higher. Pupal control after natural pupation was greatest in nylon saxony and nylon contract carpets and lowest in nylon loop and wool loop carpets. Additional studies demonstrated that vacuuming provided the same level of pupal control on nylon saxony carpet as a spray application of permethrin to the carpet surface. Therefore, pupae that survived chemical and mechanical control treatments in nylon saxony carpet probably pupated away from the surface of the pile. Application of permethrin to the base of nylon saxony carpet did not significantly increase control. Future bioassays with cat flea pupae in carpet should be performed after natural pupation and consider carpet make and style.

Robert J. Miller, Michael W. Dryden, Alberto B. Broce, and Daniel R. Suiter "Pupation Site Selection of Cat Fleas (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae) in Various Carpet Types and Its Influence on Insecticide Efficacy," Journal of Economic Entomology 93(4), 1391-1397, (1 August 2000).
Received: 24 September 1999; Accepted: 1 April 2000; Published: 1 August 2000

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Ctenocephalides felis
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