Virus yield produced by dead larvae of balsam fir sawfly, Neodiprion abietis (Harris) (Hymenoptera: Diprionidae), that had been infected at four different larval stages (second, third, fourth, or fifth instar) with two virus concentrations (105 polyhedral inclusion bodies (PIB)/ml or 107 PIB/ml), were analyzed and compared to determine the effects of instar and amount of virus inoculum on virus production. The results indicate that both larval stage and inoculation dosage significantly affect virus yield. On average, each dead larva produced 1.36–12.21 × 107 PIB, depending upon larval age and virus concentration of inoculation. Although each dead larva produced more PIB when it was inoculated in the fourth or fifth stage, inoculation of these larvae did not result in the highest virus yield because of low larval mortality. In terms of net virus return, third instars would maximize virus yield when they are inoculated with a virus concentration that can cause 95–100% larval mortality.
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1 December 2005
Influence of Larval Stage and Virus Inoculum on Virus Yield in Insect Host Neodiprion abietis (Hymenoptera: Diprionidae)
S. Y. Li,
A. C. Skinner
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Journal of Economic Entomology
Vol. 98 • No. 6
December 2005
Vol. 98 • No. 6
December 2005
inoculation dosage
larval stage
Neodiprion abietis
virus production