The Editors – Andy and Margie – and the JFMS Open Reports editorial team (Margaret and Abi) would like to extend their sincere thanks to all of the following people who have been so helpful in reviewing papers for JFMS Open Reports in 2016. They also thank all of the editorial board for their support over the year and apologise to anyone who may inadvertently have been missed from the list.

JFMS Open Reports reviewers in 2016

Carl Adagra, Australia

Elena Addison, UK

Nuno Alexandre, Portugal

Barbara Ambros, Canada

Randolph Baral, Australia

Esther Barrett, UK

Vanessa Barrs, Australia

Joe Bartges, USA

Julia Beatty, Australia

David Bennett, UK

Matthew Best, Australia

Nicholas Bexfield, UK

Laura Blackwood, UK

Danielle Bowles, Australia

Dwight Bowman, USA

David Bruyette, USA

Marie Cadiergues, France

L Miguel Carreira, Portugal

Sheila Carrera-Justiz, USA

Domingo Casamian, UK

Ke Chow, Australia

Louise Clark, UK

Roger Clemmons, USA

Leah Cohn, USA

Katia Corgozinho, Brazil

Sandra Corr, UK

P Cynda Crawford, USA

Smita Das, UK

Gigi Davidson, USA

Augusto de Matos, Portugal

Simon Dennis, USA

Fabienne Dethioux, France

Jennifer Devey, Canada

Robin Downing, USA

Mark Dunning, UK

Sue Duran, USA

Amara Estrada, USA

Janean Fidel, USA

Aiden Foster, UK

Jonathan Foster, USA

Sue Foster, Australia

Valerie Freiche, France

Barbara Gallagher, Ireland

Laurent Garosi, UK

Fernanda Gonsales, Brazil

Danielle Gunn-Moore, UK

Greg Harasen, Canada

Ross Harley, UK

Christine Heinrich, UK

Paul Higgs, UK

Xander Huizing, The Netherlands

Matthew Kornya, Canada

Merja Laitinen, Finland

Stephanie Lalor, UK

Sorrel Langley-Hobbs, UK

Cathy Langston, USA

Sally Lester, USA

Annette Litster, USA

Albert Lloret, Spain

Remo Lobetti, South Africa

Amy MacKay, USA

David Maggs, USA

Richard Malik, Australia

Francesca Mancianti, Italy

Marian Matas Riera, UK

Glenna Mauldin, Canada

Shannon McLeland, USA

Karen Moriello, USA

Ralf Mueller, Germany

Richard Nelson, USA

Shila Nordone, USA

Jacqueline Norris, Australia

Mark Papich, USA

Peter Pascoe, USA

Alessandro Poli, Italy

Barrak Pressler, USA

Martí Pumarola, Spain

Rosama Pusoonthornthum, Thailand

Jessica Quimby, USA

Nicola Reed, UK

Carol Reinero, USA

Elise Robertson, UK

Sheila Robertson, USA

Ken Smith, UK

Valeria Sousa, Brazil

Tim Spotswood, Canada

Kelly St Denis, Canada

Ann Strom, USA

Donato Traversa, Italy

Lauren Trepanier, USA

Andrew Vince, Canada

Karen Walsh, UK

Robert Washabau, USA

Scott Weese, Canada

Kerstin Wildermuth, Germany

Mike Willard, USA

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"Thank you to our reviewers," Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery Open Reports 3(1), (1 January 2020).
Published: 1 January 2020
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