Case summary
A 12-year-old neutered male domestic shorthair cat was presented to our referral hospital with a chronic history of tenesmus and lumbosacral pain. A diagnosis of degenerative lumbosacral stenosis (DLSS) was made and a standard dorsal L7–S1 laminectomy was performed uneventfully, with complete recovery within 1 month. The cat was brought back 4 months later for investigation of lumbosacral pain after having suffered a minor traumatic event. Neurological examination identified a low tail carriage, weakness, exercise intolerance, left pelvic limb lameness and diminished withdrawal reflexes in both pelvic limbs with severe sacrocaudal pain. A traumatic facet fracture of the L7 articular processes and subsequent spondylolisthesis was diagnosed. A second surgery was performed to stabilise the region. The cat was normal on neurological examination 1 month later and no further clinical signs were noted.
Relevance and novel information
This is the first description of a fracture and spondylolisthesis as a possible postoperative complication after L7–S1 dorsal laminectomy in a cat. The case highlights the importance of postoperative changes in the supportive structures of the lumbosacral spine in cats after surgical treatment of DLSS.