The Journal of Mammalogy is a research-oriented, peerreviewed journal dealing with all responsible types of research on biology of mammals. Papers of any reasonable length that can be justified by their purpose, design, and outcome will be considered. Manuscripts must be submitted online via AllenTrack at

Journal Editor: Joseph F. Merritt, Illinois Natural History Survey, University of Illinois, 1816 S. Oak Street, Champaign, IL 61820, USA. E-mail:; telephone: +1 217-265-7301; FAX: +1 217-244-0802.

This document is divided into 3 parts:

  1. PREPARATION OF MANUSCRIPTS—how to set your manuscript in the proper JM format.

  2. COMMON PROBLEMS WITH MANUSCRIPTS—common mistakes that delay the handling of manuscripts. Double-check before submitting.

  3. ONLINE SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS—how to submit your manuscript via AllenTrack.


Your manuscript should include the following parts, in this order:

  1. Title Page

    • Contact information of the author to whom correspondence and proofs should be sent in the upper left corner (single-spaced)

    • Running Heading (a short identification, not a title, ≤40 characters including spaces; use normal font)

    • Title (Bold, left-justified text; capitalize only the first word and formal names, taxa, geographic locations, etc; restrict to ≤15 words)

    • Names of authors (Use upper and lower case (NOT ALL CAPS or small caps), left-justified text, with asterisk to identify corresponding author)

    • Affiliations of authors (Normal font in italics, left-justified, with author initials in parentheses following the appropriate address)

    • Abstract, no longer than 5% of the length of the text (Introduction through Discussion; multiply number of lines of text by .05 to find correct length for Abstract … longer abstracts will be sent back for shortening) summarizing key findings … note: there is NO heading for “ABSTRACT”

    • Key words, ≤10 words, alphabetized and separated by commas

    • *Correspondent:” followed by email address of corresponding author

  2. Test of manuscript

    • Introduction … note: NO heading for “INTRODUCTION”

    • Materials and Methods

    • Results

    • Discussion … note: NO “Summary” or “Conclusion” sections, include relevant syntheses in the Discussion

  3. Acknowledgments (note spelling)

  4. A summary in another language, usually a translation of the abstract, may be included at end of text if appropriate. Translations of abstracts in Spanish or Portuguese are REQUIRED for all studies conducted in Latin America.

  5. Literature Cited; references listed in alphabetical order by author surname; put authors' names in Small Caps.

  6. Figure legends, on a separate page following Literature Cited.

  7. Appendix, if necessary.

  8. Tables. Each table (.XLS, .XLSX, .DOC, or .DOCX format) should be on a separate page WITH the table legend. Tables, can be included in the “article file.”

  9. Figures. Figures should be submitted as SEPARATE FILES in .TIF, .EPS, .PDF, .JPG, .PPT, or .PPTX formats.

  10. Supplemental E-Only Files

    • Supplemental files will be posted online-only and provides information that adds depth to a manuscript but is not essential to a reader's understanding of the research (e.g., spreadsheets, databases, equations, video or audio files, tables and/or figures).

    • All supplemental files should be uploaded on the submission site in a separate file at the same time an author submits the manuscript. Editors and reviewers will check the file during peer review. However, the editor, editorial staff and publisher will not copyedit, typeset, or format supplemental material. The material must be ready for e-posting when the manuscript is submitted for review.

    • An e-only supplemental file should be referenced in your manuscript, e.g., see Supplement 1 (or Video 1, Appendix I, etc.) available online.

    • Because e-only supplemental files are published separately from the manuscript, they need to stand alone. If references are cited in the supplemental material but not in the regular article, the references should appear at the end of the supplemental file. References that only appear in the supplemental material should not be listed in the Literature Cited section of the manuscript.

    • Following are guidelines for supplemental files:

      • Submit text files in Times New Roman 12 pt. font with one inch margins.

      • An audio file, text, graphic, spreadsheet or PDF file must be less than 5 MB.

      • A video file must be less than 10 MB.

    • If an author submits a video file, the author is encouraged to submit a still shot from the video (JPG, TIF or EPS) to use for a thumbnail that can be placed in the article.

All parts of the manuscript, including Literature Cited, should be written in English and follow the style and format of papers in the most recent issues of the Journal of Mammalogy. The Journal standard for style is the CSE style manual (Scientific Style and Format—The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers. 7th ed. Council of Science Editors, The Rockefeller University Press.)

ALL written and tabular material must be double-spaced (3 lines/2.5 cm) and in 12-point Times New Roman font. Text pages should be numbered, and normal text (not headings) should be left-justified. In general, 2 levels of organization are used: primary headings (centered and in uppercase) and secondary headings (indented at beginning of paragraph, italicized, and followed by period and a long dash). Italicized scientific names (genus and species) of all organisms other than domesticated animals should be given with the common name at first use, in the abstract and the body of paper. Use Arabic for all numbers, even those <10.

In Materials and Methods, include a statement indicating whether research on live animals followed ASM guidelines (Sikes et al. 2011. Journal of Mammalogy 92:235–253, and was approved by an institutional animal care and use committee. All DNA sequences must be submitted to GenBank, and accession numbers provided in the manuscript before publication. Museum catalogue numbers for all voucher specimens (including associated tissue) examined must be included in the manuscript (in an Appendix if numerous). Consult recent issues of the Journal of Mammalogy for examples.

Tables should conform to JM format: horizontal lines across the top beneath the legend, bottom, and underneath column headings. Do NOT use vertical lines to separate columns, add extra horizontal lines to separate parts of the table, or use grid cells. Tables need to be formatted as text for publication, thus do not submit them as pdfs.

Figures will be reduced to 9, 13, or 19 cm in width for publication, so lettering and symbols must be large enough to withstand reduction and be legible. Put figure numbers on figures. Do not present the same data in both graphs and tables. There should be at least 2 (preferably 3) pages of text for each figure or table.

Below are the formats of common types of references listed in the Literature Cited. See a recent issue of the Journal for other examples. Note: Please do not format the small caps in the manuscript. That will be done by the typesetter.

a. Journal Articles

Harris, S., W. J. Cresswell, P. G. Forde, W. J. Trewhella, T. Woollard, and S. Wray. 1990. Home-range analysis using radio-tracking data—a review of problems and techniques particularly as applied to the study of mammals. Mammal Review 20:97–123.

Nevo, E., V. Simonsen, and A. R. Templeton. In press. Starch gel electrophoresis of enzymes—a compilation of recipes. Biochemical Genetics.

b. Books

Hall, E. R. 1981. The mammals of North America. 2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York 1:1–600 + 90. [OR … 2:601–1181 + 90.]

Neal, E. G., and C. Cheeseman. 1996. Badgers. Poyser Natural History, London, United Kingdom.

c. Chapter in Edited Books

Patton, J. L., et al. 1977. Optimal habitat selection in two-species competitive systems. Pp. 282–293 in Population ecology (U. Halbach and J. Jacobs, eds.). Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, West Germany.

d. Technical Reports

Zielinksi, W. J. 1995. Track plates. Pp. 67-89 in American marten, fisher, lynx, and wolverine: survey methods for their detection (W. J. Zielinski and T. E. Kucera, eds.). United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, General Technical Report PSW-GTR-157:1-163.

e. Theses or Dissertations

Stewart, P. D. 1997. The social behaviour of the European badger, Meles meles. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Submitted manuscripts or unpublished data cannot be cited in the manuscript or listed in the Literature Cited.

Possible Cover Art

Authors who have illustrations of mammals that are particularly attractive or interesting may suggest these be used on the cover of the Journal of Mammalogy in which the paper will appear. Submit possible cover images to the Journal Editor.


Title Page—

  • Contact information for corresponding author should be complete.

  • Only the first letter of major words in the title should be capitalized (not in CAPS).

  • Institutional affiliations should be in italics.

  • Authors' names should not be superscripted; initials should be placed after the author affiliation (in CAPS, italicized, and in parentheses).

  • Key words should be listed in alphabetical order.

Manuscript Text—

  • In-text literature citations in strings should be listed in chronological order by first authors' names, and multiple dates for the same author(s) are separated by commas (e.g., Leslie 1898; Blake 2002; Heske et al. 2004, 2006).

  • All text should be left-justified except for section headings, which should follow the guidelines in Preparation of Manuscripts.

Materials and Methods and Results—

  • Statistical and other quantitative procedures used should be mentioned and/or described and justified (with citations and mention of statistical software used) routinely in Materials and Methods rather than mentioning them for the first time in Results when the outcomes are reported. For example, mention of the use of 2-way ANOVAs to assess the effects of sex and season should be made in Materials and Methods, and only outcomes of those analyses—F (with d.f. as subscripts) and P values—in the Results.

  • All details of statistical outcomes reported should be provided, and degrees of freedom must be reported as subscripts of test statistics. For example, for an ANOVA, F, d.f. (as subscripts of F), and the P value should be reported, not just the P value or F and P value; hence, F1,11 = 9.85, P = 0.009. Equivalently for a t-test, t11,651 = 0.5, P = 0.63. Be sure to report both numerator and denominator d.f. (in that order) for F tests. Abbreviation style for statistics should follow that in a recent issue of JM.

Literature Cited—

  • Check carefully that all references cited in the manuscript are included in the list of Literature Cited, and that there are no entries in the Literature Cited that are not cited in the text or legends.

  • Use “et al.” for references with 7 or more authors.

  • Spell out the names of journals completely.

  • When the 1st author name is the same for consecutive references, be sure that references are listed in alphabetical order by 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. authors' surnames (this is especially a problem when letters are added after dates in references published in the same year)

  • Pay close attention to providing all the information for references that are chapters in books [e.g., Pp…in… . (D. E. Wilson and D. M. Reeder, eds.)] and for references that are technical reports, symposia papers, etc. Provide city and state or city and country for publishers of books.

Tables and Figures—

  • For graphics specifications (figure styles, electronic file types, resolution, color mode, fonts, compression, etc.) follow the guidelines from the Allen Press Guide to Digital Art Specifications (

  • Be sure that ALL tabular material is in Times New Roman 12-point font and is DOUBLE SPACED.

  • Be sure that all figures are legible and will be clearly readable when reduced. All type in the figures should be a consistent size. Font sizes should range between 8 points (smallest) and 16 points (largest).

  • Ensure that all tables and figures can be understood by reference only to the table or figure legend. Note that many readers will be attracted to your manuscript after a quick review of figures and tables. Use these both to summarize relevant information and to attract readers.

  • Figures should be planned to fit the width of one or two columns. The width of one column is 21 picas, 3.5 inches or 9 mm. the width of two columns in 43.5 picas, 7.25 inches or 18.5 mm.

  • If a figure includes more than one image, then the images should be arranged together in one electronic file, with each image identified by a letter (A, B, C). The parts should be identified clearly in the figure legend.

  • Include latitude and longitude tick marks on maps, along with a scale and a box around all maps.

  • All axes of graphs should be labeled, with a larger font size used for major labels than for minor or quantitative labels.

  • Grayscale or color images should be 300 dots per inch (dpi), line art 1200 dpi, combination of both 600 dpi.

  • Color should be in CMYK mode. RGB files are accepted but will be converted to CMYK and may undergo color shifts.

  • TIFF or EPS formats are preferred, or send native files for other common programs (e.g. Acrobat, Illustrator, Photoshop, Powerpoint, Corel Draw, and others).


Manuscripts must be submitted online via AllenTrack at Direct concerns and questions to the Journal Editor. Authors are informed by e-mail of receipt of their manuscripts and can track them on AllenTrack. Authors who cannot submit copies electronically should contact the Journal Editor.

The manuscript submission process is broken into a series of 5 screens that gather relevant information about your manuscript and allow you to upload the pertinent files. The sequence of screens is as follows:

  • – A long form asking for author information, title, abstract, and number of files to be uploaded. On this page, you also have an opportunity to verify the quality and resolution of figures with the free VeriFig program. We strongly encourage all authors to verify figures before submission.

  • – A screen asking for the actual file locations on your computer (via an open file dialog). After completing this screen, your files will be uploaded to our server.

  • – A screen requesting the order of files in the system-generated merged PDF.

  • – A completion screen that will provide you with a specific manuscript number for your manuscript.

  • – An approval screen that will allow you to verify that your manuscript was uploaded and converted correctly. You are allowed to replace and delete files, as well as withdraw the manuscript, on this page.

Buddy System: All manuscripts must be in English. If English is not your primary language, you may request a “buddy” who will volunteer their time to assist you. To be put in contact with a “buddy” please contact the Journal Editor.

Before submitting a manuscript, please gather the following information:

  • All authors' first names, middle names or initials, and last names; institutions and departments; phone and fax numbers; street addresses; and email addresses.

  • Title (≤15 words) and Running Title (≤40 characters, including spaces; you may copy and paste these from your manuscript)

  • Abstract (≤5% of length of the text; you may copy and paste this from your manuscript).

  • Key words, ≤10 words, alphabetized

  • Manuscript files in Word, WordPerfect, or Text formats (.doc or .txt)

  • Figures in .TIF, .EPS, .PDF, .JPG, .PPT, or .PPTX formats (.tif, .eps, .pdf, .jpg, .ppt, or .pptx) Figures should be checked for resolution and fonts with VeriFig, (see Online Submission Instructions).

  • Tables in .XLS, .XLSX, .DOC, or .DOCX formats (.xls, .xlsx, .doc, or .docx)

  • Tables may be included in word-processing document after text and figure legends instead of being uploaded separately (except for final accepted version of manuscript)

  • Tables may be included in word-processing document after text and figure legends instead of being uploaded separately (except for final accepted version of manuscript)

  • Cover Letter (if you wish to include one)

  • Names and email addresses of 2–3 independent potential reviewers who could give a fair, objective assessment of your manuscript


The manuscript submission process starts by pressing the “Submit Manuscript” link on your “Home” page. Please make sure you have gathered all the required manuscript information listed above BEFORE starting the submission process.

After Submission

After the manuscript is submitted, you will be asked to select the order of files for the merged PDF file that the system will create for you. Next, you will be directed to a page that will allow you to review your converted manuscript. If the conversion is not correct, you can replace or delete your manuscript files as necessary. You may also add additional files at this time. After you have reviewed the converted files, you will need to click on “Approve Converted Files.” This link will have a red arrow next to it. Throughout the system, red arrows reflect pending action items that you should address.

Getting Help

If you need additional help, you can click on the “help” signs spread throughout the system. A help dialog will pop up with context-sensitive help.

After you approve your manuscript, you are finished with the submission process. You can access the status of your manuscript at any time by:

  • –Logging into the system with your password

  • –Clicking on the link for your manuscript tracking number and abbreviated title

  • –Clicking on the “Check Status” link at the bottom of the displayed page

This procedure will display detailed tracking information about where your manuscript is in the submission, peer-review process.


Page charges.—Articles in Journal of Mammalogy and Mammalian Species are subject to a charge of US$80.00/printed page. As a benefit of membership, authors who are members of ASM at the time of submission are eligible for a reduction or waiver of page charges (at least one author must be a member). If resources are available, members are strongly encouraged to pay full or partial page charges, but nonmembers must pay US$80.00/printed page.

Open access.—Charges to make articles open access are $1,200.00 for authors who are members of the American Society of Mammalogists and $1,500 for nonmembers. Journal articles are posted at ASM Online Journals ( and BioOne ( Authors who opt for open access do not have to pay regular page charges.

Color charges.—Color figures in print cost $1,000.00 each, which must be paid in full before a paper can be scheduled for publication. An author may opt to have figures printed in black and white but produced in color online. If the author elects to have online color figures, the author will be charged $75 per figure.

Fast Track New Species Articles.—Authors may opt to have articles naming new species or other new taxa placed on a fast track, which means that the article will take approximately 2 months from acceptance to publication. Authors interested in having their new species article fast-tracked must pay a mandatory fee of $1,400.00. Details on this fast track option can be found in author instructions on the manuscript submission website,


Proofs must be corrected upon receipt, signed, and returned to the Managing Editor, Jane Cigard: Allen Press Inc., 810 East 10th Street, Lawrence, KS 66044-0368, USA (+1 785-843-1235 ext. 129, FAX -1244, Authors will be billed $5.00/revision for changes in proofs (but not for corrections that occurred in production).

Reprints can be ordered via a link sent to the corresponding author at the time of publication. Send correspondence about proofs to the Managing Editor (

"Information for Contributors," Journal of Mammalogy 95(1), 197-200, (1 February 2014).
Published: 1 February 2014
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