In the Cairns area of far north Queensland, Australia, the seasonal abundance of Anopheles farauti Laveran sibling species was studied at 6 locations, representing 3 habitat types, between August 1995 and September 1997. A total of 45,401 An. farauti s.l. was collected using CO2 octenol baited CDC light traps, and consisted of 29,565 An. farauti No. 2, 14,214 An. farauti No. 3, and 1,622 An. farauti s.s. The relative abundance of all 3 species differed significantly by season and location. An. farauti No.2 was the dominant species except in Cairns, where An. farauti s.s. was most abundant, and at Ninds Creek, where An. farauti No. 3 predominated. The dominant species at each location was present year round, although peaks in seasonal abundance were observed. An. farauti s.s. populations were highest during the wet season (January–April). In lowland freshwater swamp habitats and 1 brackish location, An. farauti No. 2 was more abundant during the wet season. However, at the highland freshwater swamp habitat, populations of An. farauti No. 2 were highest during the late dry season and early wet season (October–December). There was a significant positive correlation of both temperature and rainfall with An. farauti s.s. and An. farauti No. 2 trap collections. There was a negative correlation between An. farauti No. 3 and temperature, indicating that this species may be more abundant during cool weather. Although there were significant relationships among weather variables and An. farauti s.l. collections, correlation values were generally low, indicating that other factors may contribute to variability among An. farauti sibling species trap collections.
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1 January 2000
Seasonal Abundance of Anopheles farauti (Diptera: Culicidae) Sibling Species in Far North Queensland, Australia
Andrew F. van den Hurk,
Nigel W. Beebe,
Gail M. Williams,
Joan H. Bryan,
Scott A. Ritchie
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Journal of Medical Entomology
Vol. 37 • No. 1
January 2000
Vol. 37 • No. 1
January 2000
Anopheles farauti
seasonal abundance
sibling species