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15 July 2020 Filling a gap in the proboscidean fossil record: a new genus from the Lutetian of Senegal
Rodolphe Tabuce, Raphaël Sarr, Sylvain Adnet, Renaud Lebrun, Fabrice Lihoreau, Jeremy E. Martin, Bernard Sambou, Mustapha Thiam, Lionel Hautier
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A long hiatus encompassing most of the Eocene (end of the Ypresian to the early Priabonian) breaks up the proboscidean evolutionary history, which is otherwise documented by a rich fossil record. Only two post-Ypresian localities from West Africa (Mali and Senegal) have yielded scarce Moeritherium-like dental remains. Here, we study one of these remains from Senegal and name a new genus and species, Saloumia gorodiskii. This taxon, confidently mid-Lutetian in age, evokes Moeritherium and elephantiforms with its wrinkled enamel, lack of centrocrista, and strong lingual cingulum. However, due to its pronounced bunodonty, which departs from the bunolophodonty of both Moeritherium and elephantiforms, we cannot exclude the possibility that Saloumia documents an early experiment in dental diversity among Paleocene–Eocene proboscideans, without direct relationships with later proboscideans.

Copyright © 2019, The Paleontological Society
Rodolphe Tabuce, Raphaël Sarr, Sylvain Adnet, Renaud Lebrun, Fabrice Lihoreau, Jeremy E. Martin, Bernard Sambou, Mustapha Thiam, and Lionel Hautier "Filling a gap in the proboscidean fossil record: a new genus from the Lutetian of Senegal," Journal of Paleontology 94(3), 580-588, (15 July 2020).
Accepted: 29 October 2019; Published: 15 July 2020
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