Babblers (Passeriformes: Leiothrichidae, Pellorneidae, Timaliidae) are parasitized by more genera of lice of the Brueelia complex than any other group of songbirds. However, the relationships of these louse groups are poorly known. We here try to resolve the relationships between Guimaraesiella (Guimaraesiella), Guimaraesiella (Cicchinella), and their putative sister group Priceiella by using mitochondrial cytochrome c subunit 1 (COI), 12S, and 16S sequences. Our data indicate that G. (Cicchinella) forms a monophyletic group of lice from babblers, but the relationship between G. (Guimaraesiella), G. (Cicchinella), and Priceiella could not be resolved. Moreover, the position of the third lineage of babbler-specific lice, containing only the aberrant species Guimaraesiella montisodalis, is unresolved. Morphologically, this species is different from all other Guimaraesiella in several characters and may represent a distinct lineage. We present some data indicating that (1) the Nanling Mountain range may be a biogeographical barrier to chewing lice and (2) host participation in mixed-species feeding flocks may influence host associations in Brueelia-complex chewing lice.