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1 December 2005 Variation in Life Cycle Affects the Distance Decay of Similarity Among Bluegill Sunfish Parasite Communities
K. Joel Fellis, Gerald W. Esch
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Rates of community similarity decay were examined among parasite communities of the bluegill sunfish from isolated populations located throughout the midwestern and southeastern United States. Rates of decay were compared for assemblages composed of all species, autogenic species only, and allogenic species only. Rates of similarity decay were calculated by regressing a matrix of intercommunity distance against a matrix of intercommunity Sorenson similarity for each group of species. Significance was determined with the use of a Mantel test using 1,000 permutations. Significant rates of decay were found for all groups; however, allogenic similarity decayed according to an exponential function, whereas autogenic similarity decayed according to a linear function. Overall, the results suggest that autogenic– allogenic status is an important factor determining the rate at which similarity decays, but illustrate the need for more insight regarding the factors that affect parasite dispersal ability.

K. Joel Fellis and Gerald W. Esch "Variation in Life Cycle Affects the Distance Decay of Similarity Among Bluegill Sunfish Parasite Communities," Journal of Parasitology 91(6), 1484-1486, (1 December 2005).
Published: 1 December 2005
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