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4 September 2020 Effect of Long-Term Experimental Warming on the Nutritional Quality of Alpine Meadows in the Northern Tibet
Sun Wei, Li Shaowei, Zhang Yangjian, Fu Gang
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The nutritional quality of grasslands is closely related to recruitment of young and population dynamics of livestock and wild herbivores. However, the response of nutritional quality to climate warming has not been fully understood in the alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau, especially in the Northern Tibet. Here, we investigated the effect of experimental warming (beginning in 2008) on nutritional quality in three alpine meadows (site A: 4313 m, B: 4513 m and C: 4693 m) in the Northern Tibet. Crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), crude ash (Ash), ether extract (EE) and water-soluble carbohydrate (WSC) were examined in 2018–2019. Experimental warming only increased the content of CP by 27.25%, ADF by 89.93% and NDF by 41.20%, but it decreased the content of Ash by 57.76% in 2019 at site B. The contents of CP and WSC both increased with soil moisture (SM). The content of CP decreased with vapor pressure deficit (VPD). The combined effect of SM and VPD was greater than air temperature (Ta) in controlling the variations of the CP content, ADF content and nutritional quality. Compared to Ta, VPD explained more of the variation in NDF and Ash content. All of these findings suggest that warming effects on nutritional quality may vary with site and year, and water availability may have a stronger effect on the nutritional quality than temperature in the alpine meadow of the Northern Tibet.

Sun Wei, Li Shaowei, Zhang Yangjian, and Fu Gang "Effect of Long-Term Experimental Warming on the Nutritional Quality of Alpine Meadows in the Northern Tibet," Journal of Resources and Ecology 11(5), 516-524, (4 September 2020).
Received: 27 March 2020; Accepted: 2 June 2020; Published: 4 September 2020
acid detergent fiber
crude ash
crude protein
ether extract
neutral detergent fiber
water-soluble carbohydrate
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