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20 August 2019 Prospects for the Sustainable Management of Public Oyster Resources
Thomas M. Soniat, Nathan A. Cooper, Eric N. Powell
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Common-pool resources such as public oyster grounds are especially vulnerable to overexploitation and habitat loss. Like those elsewhere, oyster populations and habitat of Louisiana public grounds are in decline. To maintain reef habitat and increase oyster abundance, a sustainable harvest model is applied, which allows harvest above that required to maintain reef cultch stasis. The model is restrained to promote shell gain by limiting fishing by area, type (sack versus seed), effort, and season. Harvest quotas and cultch removal rates derived from shell-budget–based modeling are a foundation for sustainable management of public oyster resources.

Thomas M. Soniat, Nathan A. Cooper, and Eric N. Powell "Prospects for the Sustainable Management of Public Oyster Resources," Journal of Shellfish Research 38(2), 337-349, (20 August 2019).
Published: 20 August 2019
common-pool resource
Crassostrea virginica
fisheries management
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