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26 October 2010 Long-term macroinvertebrate responses to climate change: implications for biological assessment in mediterranean-climate streams
Justin E. Lawrence, Kevin B. Lunde, Raphael D. Mazor, Leah A. Bêche, Eric P. McElravy, Vincent H. Resh
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Climate change is expected to have strong effects on mediterranean-climate regions worldwide. In some areas, these effects will include increases in temperature and decreases in rainfall, which could have important implications for biological assessment programs of aquatic ecosystems. We used a consistently collected, 20-y benthic macroinvertebrate data set from 4 sites along 2 small northern California streams to examine potential climate-change effects on aquatic communities. The sites represented unique combinations of stream order and flow intermittency. The North Coast benthic macroinvertebrate index of biotic integrity (B-IBI) developed for northern California streams was not influenced by temperature extremes (cool and warm) or precipitation extremes (wet and dry). Other common indices and metrics used in biological monitoring studies, such as the ratio of observed to expected taxa (O/E), % Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT) individuals, and total richness were unaffected by temperature and precipitation variability. For future monitoring of climate-change effects on small streams, we developed a local climate-change indicator that is composed of the presence/absence of 9 macroinvertebrate taxa, identified to genus level. This indicator detected significant differences between years that were grouped based on temperature, precipitation, and a combination of temperature and precipitation. It also detected significant differences between groups in an external data set including 40 reference sites throughout the San Francisco Bay area, a result that suggests this indicator could be used at larger spatial scales in this region. Two biological trait categories found in large, long-lived organisms decreased with increasing temperature and decreasing precipitation at the most intermittent site. This result indicates that climate change might selectively affect taxa with certain traits. The robustness of the North Coast B-IBI and other common indices and metrics to temperature and precipitation variability demonstrates their continued applicability for examining water quality under future climate-change scenarios, but suggests that they probably will not be good indicators for detecting climate-change effects. The effects of climate change in mediterranean-climate streams can be monitored effectively within the framework of existing biological assessment programs by using regional indicators based on specific taxa identified to the generic level and information on their species traits.

Justin E. Lawrence, Kevin B. Lunde, Raphael D. Mazor, Leah A. Bêche, Eric P. McElravy, and Vincent H. Resh "Long-term macroinvertebrate responses to climate change: implications for biological assessment in mediterranean-climate streams," Journal of the North American Benthological Society 29(4), 1424-1440, (26 October 2010).
Received: 16 December 2009; Accepted: 1 July 2010; Published: 26 October 2010
benthic macroinvertebrates
biological assessment
climate change
climate indicators
Mediterranean streams
species traits
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