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1 June 2015 Volatile Semiochemical-Conditioned Attraction of the Male Yellow Fever Mosquito, Aedes aegypti, to Human Hosts
Kelly da Silva Paixão, Iuri de Castro Pereira, Lucilene Lopes Alves Bottini, Evaldo Ferreira Vilela, Álvaro Eduardo Eiras
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We investigated the olfactory responses of male mosquitoes to kairomones of vertebrate hosts in a dual-port olfactometer. The behavioral responses of unmated and mated male and female mosquitoes from one to ten days old to human odors were compared to the odors of different human hosts. To evaluate the relationship between the age of male mosquitoes and their responses, we performed experiments with males at different ages. Unmated Ae. aegypti males, one to two days old, did not fly upwind to human odor, whereas between three and ten days old they exhibited increased flight activity. The results showed that unmated and mated females were attracted by human odor, but those mated were more attracted by human odor than when unmated. Mated males were, in general, attracted by human odor, while the unmated males were not attracted but showed increased flight activity in the presence of human odor, suggesting swarming behavior. Further studies should be carried out in order to determine the role of human odors on male Ae. aegypti behavior.

Kelly da Silva Paixão, Iuri de Castro Pereira, Lucilene Lopes Alves Bottini, Evaldo Ferreira Vilela, and Álvaro Eduardo Eiras "Volatile Semiochemical-Conditioned Attraction of the Male Yellow Fever Mosquito, Aedes aegypti, to Human Hosts," Journal of Vector Ecology 40(1), 1-6, (1 June 2015).
Received: 10 July 2014; Accepted: 1 December 2014; Published: 1 June 2015

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Aedes aegypti
human attraction
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