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9 December 2020 The Appendicular Osteology of Patagotitan mayorum (Dinosauria, Sauropoda)
Alejandro Otero, José L. Carballido, Agustín Pérez Moreno
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Its huge size, excellent preservation, and completeness make Patagotitan mayorum a unique opportunity to explore the anatomy, paleobiological, and phylogenetic aspects linked to gigantism within Sauropoda. In this regard, we describe the appendicular skeleton of this titanosaurian species from the late Albian-aged Cerro Barcino Formation of Chubut Province, Argentina. The diagnosis of Patagotitan mayorum is revised, increasing the number of identified autapomorphies (i.e., lateral surface of the scapular blade with two divergent crests; anterior surface of proximal humerus with paired muscle scars; combined bulges on the deltopectoral area of the humerus; ischium with well-developed and sharp ridge projecting from the ischial tuberosity to the distal blade). Several diagnostic characters of this species correspond to osteological correlates associated to appendicular musculature (e.g., Mm. deltoideus scapularis, deltoideus clavicularis, and teres major; M. coracobrachialis; Mm. supracoracoideus/deltoideus clavicularis and latissimus dorsi; Mm. flexor tibialis 3 and adductor femoris 2), which we discuss in the context of sauropod evolution. In the light of a modification of the scaling equation previously proposed and adjusting the long bone circumference for the humeri of Patagotitan, a new body mass estimate of this species ranges between 42–71 tons, with a mean value of 57 tons. Although considerably less than the value obtained by the original linear equation, the corrected quadratic equation used here provides a mean body mass estimate that is more consistent with those derived from volumetric reconstructions of Patagotitan.

© by the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
Alejandro Otero, José L. Carballido, and Agustín Pérez Moreno "The Appendicular Osteology of Patagotitan mayorum (Dinosauria, Sauropoda)," Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 40(4), (9 December 2020).
Received: 6 December 2019; Accepted: 27 May 2020; Published: 9 December 2020
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