A total of 395 coyotes (Canis latrans) was examined in the field for lungworms (Filaroides osleri and Capillaria aerophila) with 60 trachea and bronchial trees returned to the laboratory for detailed examination. Coyote carcasses were obtained from eight central states (Oklahoma, Colorado, Wyoming, Iowa, South Dakota, Nebraska, Texas, and three regions of Kansas). Cysts of F. osleri were present in the trachea or first division of bronchi of 68 (17%) of the coyotes examined. C. aerophila infections were identified during field examinations, primarily by the excess mucus in the bronchi, in 151 (38%) coyotes. Nearly 6% of the coyotes examined were infected with both lungworm species. A total of 195 (49%) coyotes had at least one species of lungworm. Filaroides was less frequent in Iowa and Kansas; Capillaria infections were present in at least 30% of the coyotes examined at all stations.