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1 April 2008 Foot Surveys of Large Mammals in Woodlands of Western Tanzania
Matthias Waltert, Britta Meyer, Mussa Wilson Shanyangi, Johannes John Balozi, Omari Kitwara, Stephan Qolli, Hubert Krischke, Michael Mühlenberg
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Reliable assessments of large mammal population sizes are crucial for the management of protected areas. We tested feasibility of foot surveys for population assessments of large mammals in western Tanzanian woodland, comparing estimates of herbivore densities from line-transect data from a National Park with those from an adjacent Game Reserve (GR). We used a Geographic Information System (GIS) and Global Positioning System–supported field design, consisting of systematically distributed closed-circuit transects, and recorded sighting distances and angles. Total survey effort was 1,032 km, conducted within the dry season. We fitted detection functions to distance data with the help of DISTANCE 4.1, using the 3 habitat categories woodland, grassland, and swamp as covariates for detection probability. We found estimates of density and abundance to be reliable for 19 out of 20 larger mammalian herbivores and found significant differences in density between the Park and the GR for 5 species, of which 4 had a higher density in the Park and one had a higher density in the GR. Our results show that, using GIS support and modern navigation methods, foot-transect surveys can be effective in providing accurate data on woodland herbivore populations even in large study areas.

Matthias Waltert, Britta Meyer, Mussa Wilson Shanyangi, Johannes John Balozi, Omari Kitwara, Stephan Qolli, Hubert Krischke, and Michael Mühlenberg "Foot Surveys of Large Mammals in Woodlands of Western Tanzania," Journal of Wildlife Management 72(3), 603-610, (1 April 2008).
Published: 1 April 2008

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closed-circuit line transects
conservation monitoring
detection probability
distance sampling
habitat selection
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