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1 December 2020 New data on the distribution of the Italian endemic Cordulegaster trinacriae (Odonata: Cordulegastridae)
Andrea Corso, Verena Penna, Ottavio Janni, Lorenzo De Lisio, Alessandro Biscaccianti, Otakar Holuša, Fabio Mastropasqua
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Data on the northern and eastern limits of the distribution of the Italian endemic C. trinacriae are reported, together with further details on the first records for Abruzzo and Puglia, thereby re-defining its known range. The species is common in suitable habitats in central-southern Italy, extending further north along the Adriatic. In contrast to previous reports, along the central Tyrrhenian area C. boltonii and its hybrids replace C. trinacriae with phenotypically pure specimens only in southern Lazio and northern Campania. The flight period extends from late May to late September. The known altitudinal distribution ranges from 9 to 1 639 m a.s.l. We consider the possibility that former records of C. boltonii from Abruzzo, Molise and Campania resulted from confusion with C. trinacriae. In these regions C. boltonii either never occurred or has now been largely replaced by C. trinacriae and is extremely localised.

Andrea Corso, Verena Penna, Ottavio Janni, Lorenzo De Lisio, Alessandro Biscaccianti, Otakar Holuša, and Fabio Mastropasqua "New data on the distribution of the Italian endemic Cordulegaster trinacriae (Odonata: Cordulegastridae)," Odonatologica 49(3-4), 259-287, (1 December 2020).
Received: 27 April 2020; Accepted: 19 October 2020; Published: 1 December 2020
Cordulegaster boltonii
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