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1 December 2021 Check-list of Odonata from the state of Bahia, Brazil: ecological information, distribution, and new state records
Cintia Ribeiro, Brunna Firme, Saulo A. Araujo, Acácio de Sá, Felipe Zander, Karolina Teixeira, Laís Rodrigues Santos, Marciel Elio Rodrigues
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A check-list of the Odonata species of the state of Bahia, Brazil, including information on their ecology and distribution in this state, was compiled. The data was collected by consulting databases and from specimens deposited in the collection of the Laboratory of Aquatic Organisms (LOA) of the State University of Santa Cruz. Altogether, 174 species from 12 families and 63 genera were recorded. Of these, two families, 15 genera, and 69 species are new records for the state. Additional information on habitats, vegetation types, and the types of land uses where the species were found is also presented. This information is considered a milestone for the state of Bahia and emphasizes the great diversity of Odonata species in poorly sampled regions in Brazil.

Cintia Ribeiro, Brunna Firme, Saulo A. Araujo, Acácio de Sá, Felipe Zander, Karolina Teixeira, Laís Rodrigues Santos, and Marciel Elio Rodrigues "Check-list of Odonata from the state of Bahia, Brazil: ecological information, distribution, and new state records," Odonatologica 50(3-4), 161-186, (1 December 2021).
Received: 8 July 2021; Accepted: 21 October 2021; Published: 1 December 2021
Atlantic forest
Northeast region
South America
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