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30 November 2023 The First Fossil of Ceratophyus (Coleoptera, Geotrupidae) from the Middle Pleistocene Shiobara Group of Nasushiobara City, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan
Hiroaki Aiba, David Král
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Figure 1.
Photographs of Ceratophyus yatagaii sp. nov., holotype, KYFSI209a (female). A, dorsal view; B, enlarged head; C, enlarged right antenna. Abbreviations: aI–VI, antennomere I–VI.

Figure 2.
Photographs of Ceratophyus yatagaii sp. nov., holotype, KYFSI209 (female). A, ventral view; B, enlarged right hindleg; C, enlarged left mandible; D, enlarged right protibia. A, D, KYFSI209b, conterpart; B, C, KYFSI209a. Abbreviations: T I, apical protibial teeth; T II, subapical protibial teeth; T III, third protibial teeth; T IV, fourth protibial teeth; t I–V, tarsomere I–V.

Figure 3.
Line drawing of Ceratophyus yatagaii sp. nov., female holotype.

Figure 4.
Comparison of pronotum and protibia of some females of genus Ceratophyus. A, Ceratophyus yatagaii sp. nov., this study; B, C. sinicus after Zicha et al. (2015); C, C. mesasiaticus after Zoological Institute RAS (2015–2020); D, C. schaffrathi after Hillert and Král (2013); E, C. maghrebinicus after Hillert and Král (2013); F, C. polyceros after Peter (2007–2023); G, C. hoffmannseggi after LMDI (2002–2023); H, C. alloini after LMDI (2002–2023).

Figure 5.
Map of world distribution of Ceratophyus species. circle, after Král et al. (2020); inverted triangle, after Prunier et al. (2016); square, after Cartwright (1966); star, this study; triangle, after Hillert and Král (2013).

fossil insect
Middle Pleistocene
Siobara Group
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