Singlet oxygen has been detected in single nerve cells by its weak 1270 nm phosphorescence (a1Δg→X3Σg−) upon irradiation of a photosensitizer incorporated in the cell. Thus, one can now consider the application of direct optical imaging techniques to mechanistic studies of singlet oxygen at the single-cell level.
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1 April 2004
Direct Optical Detection of Singlet Oxygen from a Single Cell
Ingo Zebger,
John W. Snyder,
Lars Klembt Andersen,
Lars Poulsen,
Zhan Gao,
John D. C. Lambert,
Uffe Kristiansen,
Peter R. Ogilby
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Photochemistry and Photobiology
Vol. 79 • No. 4
April 2004
Vol. 79 • No. 4
April 2004