A new species of Echiura, Vitjazema micropapillosa (Family: Bonelliidae), is described from the North Atlantic Ocean. The echiuran specimens were loaned to the author by the curator of the Invertebrate Section of the MCZ, Harvard University for the purpose of identification. The species is distinguished in possessing a thin and transparent integument covered with microscopic papillae at the anterior and posterior ends of the trunk; a truncate proboscis with the lateral margins free at the base; one pair of spherical, postsetal gonoducts with distally located tubular gonostomes and tubular anal vesicles. The specimens occurred at depths ranging from 2604–4632 m. This is a first report on the occurrence of the genus Vitjazema in the Atlantic Ocean.
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1 December 2015
A new species of deep-sea Bonelliidae, Vitjazema micropapillosa (Phylum: Echiura), from the North Atlantic Ocean
Ramlall Biseswar
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new species
North Atlantic Ocean