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1 January 2010 Orius (Heterorius) Vicinus (Ribaut) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) in Western North America, a Correction of the Past
Tamera M. Lewis, John D. Lattin
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Collection records for the Palearctic flower bug Orius (Heterorius) minutus (Linnaeus) (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) in western North America date back to 1930. This species can be very similar in appearance to another Palearctic species, Orius (Heterorius) vicinus (Ribaut). Positive identification is made by examination of the genitalia. We now report O. vicinus from western North America. Over 250 specimens belonging to the subgenus Heterorius were examined from collections made between 1930–2008 in western Washington, western Oregon and western British Columbia. These specimens were identified as O. vicinus, suggesting that all previous records of O. minutus in North America are based on misidentifications of O. vicinus. We observe that O. vicinus can have more extensive darkening on the legs than has been reported in the literature, which may have been a factor contributing to confusion of this species with O. minutus.

Tamera M. Lewis and John D. Lattin "Orius (Heterorius) Vicinus (Ribaut) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) in Western North America, a Correction of the Past," Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 112(1), 69-80, (1 January 2010).
Published: 1 January 2010
introduced species
Orius minutus
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