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1 March 2012 Using Imaging Methods to Interrogate Radiation-Induced Cell Signaling
Harish Shankaran, Thomas J. Weber, Claere von Neubeck, Marianne B. Sowa
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There is increasing emphasis on the use of systems biology approaches to define radiation-induced responses in cells and tissues. Such approaches frequently rely on global screening using various high throughput ‘omics' platforms. Although these methods are ideal for obtaining an unbiased overview of cellular responses, they often cannot reflect the inherent heterogeneity of the system or provide detailed spatial information. Additionally, performing such studies with multiple sampling time points can be prohibitively expensive. Imaging provides a complementary method with high spatial and temporal resolution capable of following the dynamics of signaling processes. In this review, we utilize specific examples to illustrate how imaging approaches have furthered our understanding of radiation-induced cellular signaling. Particular emphasis is placed on protein colocalization, and oscillatory and transient signaling dynamics.

Harish Shankaran, Thomas J. Weber, Claere von Neubeck, and Marianne B. Sowa "Using Imaging Methods to Interrogate Radiation-Induced Cell Signaling," Radiation Research 177(4), 496-507, (1 March 2012).
Received: 4 May 2011; Accepted: 1 January 2012; Published: 1 March 2012
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