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1 April 2017 Mice and the A-Bomb: Irradiation Systems for Realistic Exposure Scenarios
Guy Garty, Yanping Xu, Carl Elliston, Stephen A. Marino, Gerhard Randers-Pehrson, David J. Brenner
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Validation of biodosimetry assays is normally performed with acute exposures to uniform external photon fields. Realistically, exposure to a radiological dispersal device or reactor leak will include exposure to low dose rates and likely exposure to ingested radionuclides. An improvised nuclear device will likely include a significant neutron component in addition to a mixture of high- and low-dose-rate photons and ingested radionuclides. We present here several novel irradiation systems developed at the Center for High Throughput Minimally Invasive Radiation Biodosimetry to provide more realistic exposures for testing of novel biodosimetric assays. These irradiators provide a wide range of dose rates (from Gy/s to Gy/week) as well as mixed neutron/photon fields mimicking an improvised nuclear device.

©2017 by Radiation Research Society.
Guy Garty, Yanping Xu, Carl Elliston, Stephen A. Marino, Gerhard Randers-Pehrson, and David J. Brenner "Mice and the A-Bomb: Irradiation Systems for Realistic Exposure Scenarios," Radiation Research 187(4), 475-485, (1 April 2017).
Accepted: 1 January 2017; Published: 1 April 2017
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