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5 December 2023 Radiation-Chemical Perspective of the Radiobiology of Pulsed (High Dose-Rate) Radiation (FLASH): A Postscript
Peter Wardman
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An earlier commentary (Wardman P, Radiat Res. 2020; 194:607-617) discussed possible chemical reaction pathways that might be involved in the differential responses of tissues to high- vs. low-dose-rate irradiation, focusing on reactions between radicals, and radiolytic depletion of a chemical influencing radiosensitivity. This brief postscript updates discussion to consider recent modeling and experimental studies, and presents more detail to support the earlier suggestion that rapid depletion of nitric oxide will certainly occur after a radiation pulse of a few grays, underlining the need to include the consequences of such a change when considering FLASH effects.

Peter Wardman "Radiation-Chemical Perspective of the Radiobiology of Pulsed (High Dose-Rate) Radiation (FLASH): A Postscript," Radiation Research 201(1), 87-91, (5 December 2023).
Received: 11 October 2023; Accepted: 22 November 2023; Published: 5 December 2023
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