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1 January 2020 The Chilopoda (Myriapoda) described by Aloïs Humbert, Henri de Saussure and Leo Zehntner
John Hollier, Verena Stagl
Author Affiliations +

The early centipede collection of the Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Genève was largely founded on the specimens collected by Aloïs Humbert and Henri de Saussure on their expeditions to Sri Lanka and Mexico respectively. It was further enriched by material from two expeditions to Madagascar studied by Saussure and Leo Zehntner. The three men described a total of 56 species. The names of these species are listed alphabetically, the location of the type material is discussed and the current nomenclatural combination is given.


The Chilopoda holdings of the Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Genève (MHNG) are relatively small, and the collection is largely based on the specimens collected by Henri de Saussure on his expedition to Mexico and the Antilles (1854-1856), the specimens collected by Aloïs Humbert on his expedition to Sri Lanka (1858-1860) and specimens studied by Saussure and Leo Zehntner for three publications on the fauna of Madagascar (Saussure & Zehntner, 1897, 1901, 1902). The type specimens were not generally labelled as such, and the type series were often undefined. Many of the specimens were revised by Karl Kraepelin for his revision of the scolopendrids (Kraepelin, 1903). When he reidentified specimens, Kraepelin generally wrote his identification on an existing label, allowing recognition of the type specimens. More recently Ralph Crabill and Richard Hoffman studied some of the specimens.

All of the Chilopoda in the MHNG are now stored in alcohol, but some early specimens were originally preserved dry. These have been transferred to alcohol piecemeal, as and when the specimens were studied by more recent taxonomists.

Saussure, Humbert and Zehntner, publishing alone or in collaboration, described 56 species of Chilopoda. As well as specimens deposited in the MHNG, they studied material from the Naturhistorisches Museum in Vienna (NHMW) and from expeditions affiliated with the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle in Paris (MNHN) (Grandidier expedition) and the Senkenberg Museum (SMF) (Voeltzkow expedition). This paper lists the species they described, gives information on the whereabouts of the type specimens and the current status of the taxa. Nomenclature generally follows Minelli et al. (2015) for the current combinations, but the erroneous dates given there for some species are corrected herein. Schendylops grandidieri is not listed on the database of Minelli et al. (2015) and in this case we follow Hoffman & Pereira (1997). We follow Mercurio (2016) regarding the status of Scolopendra cubensis.

Although identical, the reprint of Saussure (1860) is sometimes referred to as the second part of Saussure's occasional series Mémoires pour servir à l'Histoire naturelle du Mexique, des Antilles et des Etats-Unis and regarded as a separate publication. Since the precise publication dates of each are unknown, we prefer to follow the version published in the Mémoires de la Société de Physique et d'Histoire naturelle de Genève and regard the other as a simple reprint. Saussure & Zehntner's Madagascar publications are often cited as 1902 but there are actually three publications with different dates (Jeekel, 1971). The article on Voeltzkow's expedition (Saussure & Zehntner, 1901) appeared in September 1901 even though the fascicle in which it was published bears the date 1902. The first twelve plates associated with the volume in Grandidier's Madagascar series were published in 1897 and represent the first valid publication of the species names although not accompanied by a description (Saussure & Zehntner, 1897). The last three plates (13-15) appear to have been published togetherw ith the text (Saussure & Zehntner, 1902), contrary to the information on the title page preceding the plates which was also delivered with the text in 1902.


The species are listed alphabetically. The format for each is:

specific epithet Author, publication: page [Original generic placement].

Provenance as given in the original description, depository when given. Type series.

Subsequent revision of the type material. Number of specimens in the MHNG, label data of type specimens. Other information.

Currently valid combination


arantsoae Saussure & Zehntner, 1897, pl. 12, fig. 5 [Cormocephalus].

Saussure & Zehntner (1902: 317-319) gave a description and the locality information “Madagascar 3 individus (Musée de Genève), 1 jeune, Calat (Musée de Paris); Côte occidentale de Madagascar 2 individus, Voeltzkow” without specifying the sex. The MHNG collection contains five specimens in alcohol under the name Cormocephalus arantsoae. There is no data label but the identification labels in the jar have “Madagascar” written on them. Since no specimens are listed on the SMF online database, all five are probably syntypes. There are no specimens listed on the MNHN online database despite the fact that it is mentioned as a depository of one of the syntypes.

A junior synonym of Cormocephalus nitidus willsi Pocock, 1891

argentina Humbert & Saussure, 1870: 202 [Scutigera]. [Argentina] No locality given. Unspecified series.

Saussure & Humbert (1872) gave a more detailed redescription and the type locality “Buenos Ayres”. No specimens found in the MHNG. No type material could be located in the NHMW, the presumed depository, and the whereabouts of the type(s) is unknown.

Scutigera argentina Humbert & Saussure, 1870

azteca Humbert & Saussure, 1869: 158 [Newportia].

Mexico orientalis. Unspecified series.

Saussure & Humbert (1872) gave a more detailed redescription, and the type locality as “Cordova”. The MHNG collection contains two specimens in alcohol under the name Newportia azteca. A label in the jar reads “Newportia azteca Sss. & H., Type, Mexico” indicating that they are syntypes.

Newportia azteca Humbert & Saussure, 1869

azteca Saussure, 1858: 545 [Scolopendra].

Plateau du Mexique. Unspecified series.

Saussure (1860) gave a more detailed redescription, and stated that the species was found in great abundance under rocks in the Mexico Valley. Saussure & Humbert (1872) gave the locality as the “environs de Puebla”. The MHNG houses two specimens in alcohol in separate jars under the name Scolopendra azteca. A label in the first jar reads “Scolopendra azteca Sss., Type, Puebla, Botteri” indicating that it is a syntype. A label in the second jar reads “Scolopendra azteca Sauss., Mexique, Mr H de Saussure” suggesting that this is also a syntype.

A junior synonym of Scolopendra viridis Say, 1821

aztecus Humbert & Saussure, 1869: 159 [Geophilus].

Mexico orientalis. Unspecified series.

Saussure & Humbert (1872) gave a more detailed redescription. The MHNG collection contains parts of two specimens in alcohol under the name Geophilus aztecus. Dissected parts are secured in a separate vial. A label in the jar reads “Geophilus aztecus Sss. et H., type!, Mexique” indicating that they are syntypes.

Geophilus aztecus Humbert & Saussure, 1869

aztecus Humbert & Saussure, 1869: 156 [Lithobius].

Mexico, Cordilliera orientalis. Unspecified series.

Saussure & Humbert (1872) gave a more detailed redescription, indicating that they had both sexes. The MHNG collection contains fourteen specimens in alcohol under the name Lithobius aztecus. There is no data label but one of the identification labels has “Mexique” written on it. One of the ♀ specimens was labelled as a lectotype by Ralph Crabill in 1960, but the designation does not appear to have been published, so all the specimens are syntypes.

Neolithobius aztecus (Humbert & Saussure, 1869)

bicolor Humbert, 1865: 12-13; plate 1, fig. 2 [Scolopendra].

Trincomalie. One specimen, gender not specified.

The MHNG has one specimen in alcohol under the name Scolopendra bicolor. A label in the jar reads “Scolopendra bicolor Humb., Trincomalie (Voy. Humbert)” indicating that it is the holotype.

A junior synonym of Scolopendra hardwickei Newport, 1844

brasiliensis Humbert & Saussure, 1870: 203 [Cormocephalus].

Brasilia. Unspecified series.

Saussure & Humbert (1872) gave a more detailed redescription and indicated that the specimen(s) had been collected by Natterer. No specimens found in the MHNG. There is a syntype in the NHMW (Inventory Number 939, Acquisition Number 1866.I.181).

Cormocephalus brasiliensis Humbert & Saussure, 1870

brasilianus Humbert & Saussure, 1870: 205 [Chomatobius].

Brasilia. Unspecified series.

Saussure & Humbert (1872) gave a more detailed redescription and indicated that the specimen(s) had been collected at “Rio Negro” by Natterer. No specimens found in the MHNG. Ilie et al. (2009) stated that the holotype is in the NHMW (Inventory Number 7081, Acquisition Number 1866.I.234).

Orphnaeus brasiliensis (Humbert & Saussure, 1870)

californica Humbert & Saussure, 1870: 204 [Scolopcryptops].

California. Unspecified series.

Saussure & Humbert (1872) gave a more detailed redescription. No specimens found in the MHNG. The NHMW has a specimen labelled “don. Ludwig Parreyss” which is part of the type series; given that the series is unspecified it should be regarded as a syntype (Inventory Number 1516, Acquisition Number 1866.I.307).

A junior synonym of Scolopcryptops gracilis Wood, 1862

californica Humbert & Saussure, 1870: 203-204 [Scolopendra].

California. Unspecified series.

Saussure & Humbert (1872) gave a more detailed redescription. Shelley (2002) stated that the holotype was in the MHNG but no specimens were found. No specimens could be located in the NHMW, the presumed depository, and the whereabouts of the type(s) is unknown.

A junior synonym of Scolopendra polymorpha Wood, 1861

carinipes Humbert & Saussure, 1870: 204 [Scolopendra]. Nova Granada. Unspecified series.

Saussure & Humbert (1872) gave a more detailed redescription and the locality as “Colombia”. No specimens found in the MHNG. No type material could be located in the NHMW, the presumed depository, and the whereabouts of the type(s) is unknown.

A junior synonym of Scolopendra morsitans Linneaus, 1758

celer Humbert & Saussure, 1870: 202-203 [Branchiostoma].

Carolina. Unspecified series.

Saussure & Humbert (1872) gave a more detailed redescription, implying that they had more than one specimen. The MHNG collection contains one specimen in alcohol under the name Branchiostoma celer and at least six specimens in alcohol under the name Rhysida celeris. A label in the first jar reads “Branchiostoma celer Humb. & Sss. Caroline (Type)” indicating that it is a syntype. A label in the second jar reads “Rhysida celeris H. u. Sauss., Guatemala, Mr Oltramare” and despite a syntype label placed in the jar these are not part of the type series. There is a further syntype, labelled “leg. Alois v. Lederer,” in the NHMW (Inventory Number 1572, Acquisition Number 1866.I.334).

Rhysida celeris celeris (Humbert & Saussure, 1870).

chichimeca Saussure, 1858: 546 [Scolopendra].

Plateau du Mexique. Unspecified series.

No specimens found in the MHNG. The type material may be present in the MHNG collection, having been subsequently placed under another name by Saussure as a junior synonym, but if so it is no longer identifiable.

A junior synonym of Scolopendra pomacea C. L. Koch, 1847

crudelis Saussure & Zehntner, 1897: pl. 12, fig. 3 [Cormocephalus].

Illustration without description.

Saussure & Zehntner (1902: 312-313) gave a description and the locality information “Madagascar, F. Sikora (Musée de Genève).” The MHNG collection contains two specimens in alcohol under the name Cormocephalus crudelis. There is no data label, but the identification labels in the jar have “Madagascar” written on them and there is no reason to suppose that they are not syntypes. A junior synonym of Cormocephalus westwoodi (Newport, 1844)

cubensis Saussure, 1858: 546 [Scolopendra].

Cuba. Unspecified series.

Saussure (1860) gave a longer redescription. The MHNG collection contains three specimens in alcohol under the name Scolopendra cubensis. A label in the jar reads “Scolopendra cubensis Sss., (Type) Cuba, Mr H de Saussure” indicating that they are syntypes.

Scolopendra cubensis Saussure, 1858

fangaroka Saussure, & Zehntner, 1897: pl. 2, fig. 11 [Cormocephalus].

Illustration without description.

Saussure & Zehntner (1901: 432) gave a description of both sexes and the locality information “Madagascar (Musée de Francfort); Nossibé, Voeltzkow.” The MHNG collection contains seven specimens in alcohol in two jars under the name Cormocephalus fangaroka. The first jar, with four smaller specimens, contains the label “Nosibé Juni 1895” indicating that they were collected by Voeltzkow. The second jar, containing three larger specimens, has only “Madagascar” written on the identification labels. One of these identification labels in the second jar refers to the specimens as “fangaroka var.” which might imply that they are not part of the type series. The SMF online database does not list any specimens.

A junior synonym of Cormocephalus westwoodi (Newport, 1844)

fangaroka Saussure & Zehntner, 1901: 433; figs 2-3 [Orphnaeus].

Insula Nossibé leg. Voeltzkow. Unspecified number of ♀. The MHNG collection contains two specimens in alcohol under the name Orphnaeus fangaroka. The labels in the jar both read “Orphnaeus fangaroka S. et Z., Nosi Bé, Dr Voeltzkow” indicating that the specimens are syntypes. Orphnaeus fangaroka Saussure & Zehntner, 1901

ferox Saussure & Zehntner, 1897: pl. 12, fig. 4 [Cormocephalus].

Illustration without description.

Saussure & Zehntner (1902: 320-321) gave a description, stating that they had many specimens, and the locality information “Madagascar, Antananarivo; forêt d'An-drangoloaka, Sikora (Musée de Genève).” The MHNG collection contains at least twenty specimens in alcohol in two jars under the name Cormocephalus ferox. Both jars contain labels reading “Cormocephalus ferox S. et Z., Madagascar (Sikora)” indicating that the specimens are syntypes. One of the jars also has a label with the more specific locality “Andrangoloaka.”

Cormocephalus ferox Saussure & Zehntner, 1902

formidandus Saussure & Zehntner, 1902: 319-320; pl. 15, fig. 20 [Cormocephalus].

Madagascar, Androhomana, Alluaud (Musée de Paris). Two individuals, gender not specified.

The MHNG collection contains one specimen in alcohol under the name Cormocephalus formidandus. There is no data label but the identification labels in the jar have “Madagascar” written on them and there is no reason to suppose that the specimen is not a syntype. The other syntype is presumably in the MNHN, but their online database does not list this species.

A junior synonym of Cormocephalus nitidus Porat, 1871

gracilipes Saussure & Zehntner, 1902: 321-322 [Cormocephalus].

[Madagascar] No locality data given. Unspecified series. The MHNG collection has one specimen in alcohol under the name Cormocephalus gracilipes. There is no data label but the identification labels have “Madagascar” written on them, and there is no reason to suppose that the specimen is not a syntype.

A junior synonym of Cormocephalus nitidus willsi Pocock, 1891

grandidieri Saussure & Zehntner, 1897: pl. 12, fig. 8 [Schendyla].

Illustration without description.

Saussure & Zehntner (1902: 332-335) gave a description of the ♀, stating that they had more than one specimen, and the locality information “Madagascar, Sikora (Musée de Genève).” The MHNG collection contains one specimen in alcohol under the name Schendyla grandidieri. There is no data label but the identification labels in the jar have “Madagascar” written on them. This specimen was designated as lectotype by Hoffman & Pereira (1997: 13), who also mentioned a paralectotype in the MNHN although this does not appear on their online database. Schendylops grandidieri (Saussure & Zehntner, 1897)

grandidieri Saussure & Zehntner, 1897: pl. 3, fig. 13, pl. 12, fig. 6 [Scolopendra].

Illustration without description.

Saussure & Zehntner (1902: 302-304) gave a description of both sexes and the locality information “Madagascar, Grandidier, Douliot & Alluaud (Musée de Paris); Fianarantosa (Musée de Genève); Côte occidentale de Madagascar, Voeltzkow; Ile d'Aldabra, Voeltzkow.”

The MHNG collection contains one specimen in alcohol under the name Scolopendra grandidieri. There is no data label but the identification labels in the jar have “Madagascar” written on them and there is no reason to suppose that this specimen is not a syntype. The other syntypes are presumably in the MNHN and SMF, although neither of their online databases lists this species.

A junior synonym of Scolopendra morsitans Linnaeus, 1758

heteropus Humbert, 1865: 19; pl. 2, fig. 4 [Mecistocephalus].

Pundel-Oya valley. Unspecified series.

No specimens found in the MHNG. The whereabouts of the type material is unknown.

Mecistocephalus heteropus Humbert, 1865

hova Saussure & Zehntner, 1897: pl. 12, fig. 9 [Himantarium].

Illustration without description.

Saussure & Zehntner (1902: 343-346) gave a description of the ♀ and the locality information “Madagascar, Coquerel (Muséum de Paris).” No specimens found in the MHNG. The type material is presumably in the MNHN, but there are no references to this species in the SMF or MNHN online databases.

A junior synonym of Himantarium gabrielis (Linnaeus, 1776)

hova Saussure & Zehntner, 1897: pl. 12, fig. 2, pl. 14, fig. 17 [Scutigera].

Illustration without description.

Saussure & Zehntner (1902: 294-295) gave a description and the locality information “Madagascar, Sikora (Musée de Genève),” stating that they had many immature specimens.

No specimens found in the MHNG. There are no references to this species in the SMF or MNHN online databases.

Madagassophora hova (Saussure & Zehntner, 1902)

lineata Saussure & Zehntner, 1902: 308-310; pl. 15, fig. 19 [Scolopendra].

Madagascar, Andrahomana, Alluaud. Unspecified series. No specimens found in the MHNG. The type material is presumably in the MNHN although it is not listed in their online database.

A junior synonym of Scolopendra morsitans Linnaeus, 1758

madecassus Saussure & Zehntner, 1902: 324-326 [Alipes].

Madagascar, Grandidier. One damaged individual, gender not specified.

No specimens found in the MHNG. The type material is presumably in the MNHN although it is not listed in their online database.

Alipes madecassus Saussure & Zehntner, 1902

malagassa Saussure & Zehntner, 1897: pl. 12, fig. 1 [Scutigera].

Illustration without description.

Saussure & Zehntner (1902: 295-297; pl. 14, fig. 19) gave a description of the ♀ and the locality information “Madagascar, Sikora (Musée de Genève).” The MHNG collection contains three specimens in alcohol under the name Scutigera malagassa. There is no data label but the identification labels in the jar have “Madagascar” written on them and there is no reason to suppose that these specimens are not syntypes. The species is not listed on the MNHN online database.

Scutigerina malagassa (Saussure & Zehntner, 1902)

maximiliani Humbert & Saussure, 1870: 205 [Noti-philus].

Mexico. Unspecified series.

Saussure & Humbert (1872) gave a more detailed redescription and stated that the specimen(s) had been collected by C. Heller in Campeche. No specimens found in the MHNG. Ilie et al. (2009) stated that the holotype is in the NHMW (Inventory Number 184, Acquisition Number 1866.I.198).

Notophilides maximiliani (Humbert & Saussure, 1870)

maya Saussure, 1860: 384; fig. 45 [Scolopendra].

Terres tempérées du Mexique – Huitznopal, entre Mextitlan et Tampico. Unspecified series.

The MHNG collection contains one specimen in alcohol under the name Scolopendra maya and five specimens in alcohol under the name Scolopendra viridis maja. A label in the first jar reads “Scolopendra maya Sauss., type, Mexique Mr H. de Saussure” indicating that it is a syntype. A label in the second jar reads “Scolopendra viridis Say forma Maja Sauss., Costarica, Biolley” showing that these specimens are not part of the type series.

Scolopendra viridis maya Saussure, 1860

mexicana Saussure, 1858: 546-547 [Scolopendrides].

Mexique, Cordova. Unspecified series.

No specimens found in the MHNG. The whereabouts of the type(s) is unknown.

Newportia mexicana (Saussure, 1858)

mexicana Humbert & Saussure, 1869: 158 [Scolopocryptops].

Mexico altior. Unspecified series.

Saussure & Humbert (1872) gave a more detailed redescription. No specimens found in the MHNG. The whereabouts of the type(s) is unknown.

A junior synonym of Scolopocryptops ferrugineus (Linnaeus, 1767)

mexicana Saussure & Humbert, 1872: 112-113; pl. 5, fig. 3 [Scutigera].

Mexique, Oaxaca, terres tempérées. One ♀.

No specimens found in the MHNG. The whereabouts of the holotype is unknown.

A junior synonym of Scutigera linceci (Wood, 1867)

mexicanus Saussure, 1858: 547 [Geophilus].

Mexique, Cordova. Unspecified series.

The MHNG collection contains one specimen in alcohol under the name Geophilus mexicanus. The specimen and labels are in a large tube, which contains two smaller vials containing body parts. Both of the identification labels state that the specimen is a type, one gives the locality as “Mexique” the other as “Cordova”. There is also a label written by Crabill in 1960 identifying the specimen as the holotype, but because the type series was unspecified it should be considered a syntype.

Chomatobius mexicanus (Saussure, 1858)

mysteca Humbert & Saussure, 1869: 157 [Scolopendra].

Mexico altior. Unspecified series.

Saussure & Humbert (1872) gave a more detailed redescription, stating that they had several specimens collected by Botteri near Puebla. The MHNG collection contains body parts of at least ten specimens in alcohol in two jars under the name of Scolopendra mysteca. One of the jars, which contains a label stating that the specimens had been seen by Kraepelin, has the label “Scolopendra mysteca Sss., Mexico, Mr H de Saussure.” The identification labels in the other jar have “Mexique” written on them. The specimens in the first jar are obviously syntypes, the status of those in the second jar are less clear.

A junior synonym of Scolopendra polymorpha Wood, 1861

mystecus Humbert & Saussure, 1869: 156-157 [Lithobius].

Mexico orientalis. Unspecified number of ♂ and ♀.

Saussure & Humbert (1872) gave a more detailed redescription, stating that they had five ♂ and three ♀. No specimens found in the MHNG or the NHMW.

Lithobius mystecus Humbert & Saussure, 1896

nossibei Saussure & Zehntner, 1901: 429; fig. 1 [Scutigera].

Insel Nossibé und Insel Sakatia, Voeltzkow. Unspecified number of ♂ and more than one ♀.

The MHNG collection contains three specimens in alcohol under the name Scutigera nossibei. The identification labels in the jar have “Nosi-Bé, Dr Voeltzkow” written on them, indicating that they are part of the type series. One of the three specimens in the SMF was designated as lectotype by Würmli (1975: 71); the specimens in the MHNG are therefore paralectotypes.

Scutigera nossibei Saussure & Zehntner, 1901

olmeca Humbert & Saussure, 1869: 157 [Scolopendra].

Mexico temperata et altior. Unspecified series.

Saussure & Humbert (1872) gave a more detailed redescription, stating that they had more than one specimen and giving the localities Cuernavaca and Puebla. The MHNG collection contains six specimens in alcohol in two jars under the name Scolopendra olmeca. The first jar, containing five specimens, has “Mexique” written on two of the identification labels in it. These specimens are presumably syntypes. The second jar, containing one specimen, has the label “Scolopendra olmeca Sss.? (Sss. det.) Mexico” and this specimen cannot be considered a syntype because its identity was uncertain to one of the authors.

A junior synonym of Scolopendra pomacea C. L. Koch, 1847

otomita Saussure, 1858: 546 [Scolopendra].

Plateau du Mexique. Unspecified series.

Saussure (1860) gave a more detailed redescription. Saussure & Humbert (1872) regarded this name to be a junior synonym of S. azteca Saussure. The MHNG collection contains seven specimens in alcohol in two jars under the name Scolopendra otomita. The first jar, containing six specimens, has the locality “Puebla” written on one of the identification labels, and a label indicating that Crabill identified the specimens as syntypes. The second jar, containing one specimen, has a torn label reading “Scolopendra otomita Sauss., type, Mexique, Mr H de Saussure” indicating that this specimen was also part of the type series. The second jar has a holotype label glued to it, but all of these specimens are syntypes.

A junior synonym of Scolopendra viridis Say, 1821

scabricauda Humbert & Saussure, 1870: 203 [Branchiostoma].

Rio-Janeiro. Unspecified series.

Saussure & Humbert (1872) gave a more detailed redescription, indicating that they had a single specimen. No specimens found in the MHNG. The holotype, labelled “leg. Tóth, Rio de Janeiro” is in the NHMW (Inventory Number 1015, Acquisition Number 1866.I.350b).

Otostigmus scabricauda (Humbert & Saussure, 1869)

spinosella Saussure & Zehntner, 1897: pl. 2, fig. 11 [Scolopendra].

Illustration without description.

Saussure & Zehntner (1902: 308) gave the description, the locality information “Madagascar (Grandidier)” and stated that they had one damaged individual. No specimens found in the MHNG. The holotype is presumably in the MNHN although it is not listed on their online database.

A junior synonym of Scolopendra morsitans Linnaeus, 1758

sumichrasti Saussure, 1860: 385-386; fig. 46 [Scolopendra].

Vera Cruz. Unspecified series.

No specimens found in the MHNG. The whereabouts of the type material is unknown.

Scolopendra sumichrasti Saussure, 1860

templetoni Humbert, 1865: 8-10; pl. 1, fig. 1 [Scutigera]. Peradena, près Kandy. One specimen in alcohol, gender not specified.

The MHNG collection contains two specimens in alcohol under the name Scutigera templetoni and one specimen in alcohol under the name Scutigera longicornis var. templetoni. One of the specimens in the first jar has the label “Scutigera templetoni Humb., type, Ceylan” indicating that it is the holotype. The other specimen was collected by Bugnion in 1912 and is therefore not part of the type series. The specimen in the second jar was collected on Mauritius and is therefore not part of the type series.

A junior synonym of Thereupoda longicornis (Fabricius, 1793)

tolteca Saussure, 1858: 545-546 [Scolopendra].

Vera-Cruz. Unspecified series.

The MHNG collection contains one specimen in alcohol under the name Scolopendra tolteca. A label in the jar reads “Scolopendra tolteca Sauss., type! Mexique, Mr H de Saussure” indicating that it is a syntype. The jar has a holotype label on it, but because the type series was unspecified the specimen should be considered a syntype. A junior synonym of Scolopendra viridis Say, 1821

toltecus Humbert & Saussure, 1869: 157 [Lithobius].

Mexico, Cordilliera orientalis. Unspecified series.

Saussure & Humbert (1872) gave a more detailed redescription, and indicate that they only had one specimen. No specimens found in the MHNG or NHMW, the whereabouts of the holotype is unknown.

Lithobius toltecus Humbert & Saussure, 1869

toltecus Humbert & Saussure, 1869: 159 [Arthronomalus].

Mexico orientalis. Unspecified series.

Saussure & Humbert (1872) gave a more detailed redescription and the type locality “Orizaba”. The MHNG collection contains two specimens in alcohol under the name Geophilus toltecus. The specimens are in separate tubes, one containing two smaller vials and the other with one smaller vial. The identification labels, one of which is badly torn, that were associated with the specimens are in a third tube and read “Arthronomalus toltecus Sss. u H., type, Mexique.” More recent labels written by Crabill in 1959 identify one of the specimens as a lectotype and the other as a paralectotype. This designation does not appear to have been published and the specimens are therefore syntypes.

Polycricus toltecus (Humbert & Saussure, 1869)

voeltzkowi Saussure & Zehntner, 1901: 434; figs 4-5 [Orya].

Insula Nossibé. One ♀.

The MHNG collection contains one specimen in alcohol under the name Orya voeltzkowi. Both labels in the jar read “Orya voeltzkowi S. et Z., Nosi-Bé, Dr Voeltzkow” indicating that this is the holotype.

Orya voeltzkowi Saussure & Zehntner, 1901

voeltzkowi Saussure & Zehntner, 1901: 430 [Scutigera].

Zanzibar, Voeltzkow. Unspecified number of ♂ and ♀.

The MHNG collection contains one specimen in alcohol under the name Scutigera voeltzkowi. A label in the jar reads “Scutigera voeltzkowi Sss. u. Z., Zanzibar (Voeltzkow)” indicating that it is a syntype. There are presumably further syntypes in the SMF but the species is not listed in their online database.

Scutigera voeltzkowi Saussure & Zehntner, 1901


Thanks are due to Anita Hollier and Peter Schwendinger for comments on the text, and Bernd Hauser for information on the history of the MHNG collection.



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John Hollier and Verena Stagl "The Chilopoda (Myriapoda) described by Aloïs Humbert, Henri de Saussure and Leo Zehntner," Revue suisse de Zoologie 123(2), 227-233, (1 January 2020).
Accepted: 8 February 2016; Published: 1 January 2020
Sri Lanka
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