The selection of appropriate calling sites is a key aspect in the reproductive strategy of nearly all anurans. We evaluated if males of the South American tree frog (Hypsiboas pulchellus) select calling sites in undisturbed subtropical wetlands based on specific habitat cues. The study was designed to represent a snapshot of the male calling activity under low densities of intra- and interspecific competitors and little variation of climatic conditions. We characterized calling sites by measuring the vegetation attributes and flood levels of calling sites occupied by 59 males and comparing them to available microhabitats. We found that males exhibit some degree of selectivity for calling sites, often selecting microhabitats with greater density of vegetation < 50 cm tall. Calling site selection was not affected by water depth or area flooded. Most individuals vocalized in sites near the ground (≤ 25 cm), a pattern that is the contrary to that expected to maximize sound propagation. We suggest that, due to the open habitat of the studied area, the choice of calling sites is more related to the need for shelter from predation and avoidance of desiccation and heat loss than to bioacoustic performance.
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1 December 2016
Calling Site Selection by the South American Tree-Frog Hypsiboas pulchellus (Anura, Hylidae) in Subtropical Wetlands
Nathália Luiz Pio da Silva dos Santos,
Patrick Colombo,
Fernanda Rodrigues de Avila,
Mateus de Oliveira,
Alexandro Marques Tozetti