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1 December 2014 A New Salamander of the Genus Chiropterotriton (Caudata: Plethodontidae) from the Sierra Madre Oriental of Tamaulipas, Mexico
Jonathan A. Campbell, Jeffrey W. Streicher, Christian L. Cox, Edmund D. Brodie
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A new salamander of the genus Chiropterotriton is described from the Sierra Madre Oriental in southwestern Tamaulipas, Mexico. This genus is widespread in the Sierra Madre Oriental, its range extending from Tamaulipas to northern Oaxaca, and it occurs into central Mexico along the mountains associated with the Transverse Volcanic Axis. The species described herein is one of the northernmost species. Previously a few species of Chiropterotriton have been reported from the mountains of Tamaulipas and adjacent Nuevo León, but this new salamander is easily distinguished by its enlarged nares. It also differs from all congeners by a combination of characters including size, limb length, hand and foot morphology, color pattern, and dental morphology.

©2014 Brazilian Society of Herpetology
Jonathan A. Campbell, Jeffrey W. Streicher, Christian L. Cox, and Edmund D. Brodie "A New Salamander of the Genus Chiropterotriton (Caudata: Plethodontidae) from the Sierra Madre Oriental of Tamaulipas, Mexico," South American Journal of Herpetology 9(3), 228-234, (1 December 2014).
Received: 24 November 2014; Accepted: 11 December 2014; Published: 1 December 2014
new species
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