Lev Medvedev, Pavel Romantsov
Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde A 10 (10), 185-201, (1 April 2017) https://doi.org/10.18476/sbna.v10.a6
KEYWORDS: Chrysomelidae, Cryptocephalinae, Cryptocephalini, Borneo, new species, new localities, keys
Twelve species of Bornean Cryptocephalini are described as new for science: Coenobius matangi n. sp., C. sabahensis n. sp., C. sarawacensis n. sp., C. schawalleri n. sp., Cryptocephalus borneoensis n. sp., Cr. geiseri n. sp., Cr. klimenkoi n. sp., Cr. nigrofulvus n. sp., Cr. nitidicornis n. sp., Cr. sepilocus n. sp., Cr. subcostipennis n. sp., and Cr. subserricornis n. sp. The genus Bucharis Baly, 1865 is recorded from Borneo for the first time. Cryptocephalus moultoni Bryant, 1954 is transferred to the genus Melixanthus Suffrian, 1854. New replacement names are proposed: Coenobius weiseanus nom. nov. for C. basalis Weise, 1913, and C. pici nom. nov. for C. bicolor Pic, 1943. Keys for all species of Bornean Cryptocephalini are given.