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7 August 2023 Redescription of the larval stage of Dermacentor parumapertus Neumann (Acari: Ixodidae), with notes on hosts
Jerome Goddard, Gerald T. Baker, Christopher D. Paddock, Travis C. Smith, Richard G. Robbins
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The larva of the ixodid tick Dermacentor parumapertus Neumann, chiefly a parasite of hares and rabbits, is redescribed using scanning electron micrographs of seven specimens derived from two engorged females collected from two black-tailed jackrabbits, Lepus californicus, at the Black Gap Wildlife Management Area, Brewster County, southwestern Texas. The use of chaetotaxy for separating the genera of Ixodidae is discussed, and a morphological key is provided for separating the larvae of D. parumapertus from those of five other Dermacentor species with partly sympatric geographic ranges.

Jerome Goddard, Gerald T. Baker, Christopher D. Paddock, Travis C. Smith, and Richard G. Robbins "Redescription of the larval stage of Dermacentor parumapertus Neumann (Acari: Ixodidae), with notes on hosts," Systematic and Applied Acarology 28(8), 1297-1304, (7 August 2023).
Received: 3 May 2023; Accepted: 27 July 2023; Published: 7 August 2023
Dermacentor parumapertus
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