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11 August 2021 Morphometrics and Redescription of Aphyllon fasciculatum and Aphyllon franciscanum, Two Widespread but Previously Conflated Species in Western North America
Adam C. Schneider, Ben E. Benton
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We continue the taxonomic reevaluation of Aphyllon sect. Aphyllon by describing a widespread species throughout western North America previously recognized within a polyphyletic A. fasciculatum. To support our description and revised key, we analyzed fifteen continuous and discrete characters sampled from 186 herbarium specimens and iNaturalist observations representing the geographic and host ranges. Principal component and multiple correspondence analyses reveal clear variation in floral characters. Discriminant analyses show that three aspects of floral color, corolla lobe tip shape, the calyx cup to calyx lobe ratio, calyx lobe length, and degree of bend in the corolla tube are useful distinguishing features, but not diagnostic in every case.

© Copyright 2021 by the American Society of Plant Taxonomists
Adam C. Schneider and Ben E. Benton "Morphometrics and Redescription of Aphyllon fasciculatum and Aphyllon franciscanum, Two Widespread but Previously Conflated Species in Western North America," Systematic Botany 46(2), 446-455, (11 August 2021).
Published: 11 August 2021
Discriminant correspondence analysis
linear discriminant analysis
Multiple correspondence analysis
new species
principal component analysis
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