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23 June 2023 Classification of the Celastrales Based on Integration of Genomic, Morphological, and Sanger-Sequence Characters
Mark P. Simmons, Julio A. Lombardi, Leonardo Biral
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We present the best sampled phylogenetic analysis of Celastrales, with respect to both character and taxon sampling, and use it to present a natural classification of the order. Parnassiaceae are highly supported as sister to Celastraceae; we recognize both families as distinct. Pottingeria is highly supported as a member of Celastraceae. We recognize and circumscribe 13 subfamilies in Celastraceae, including the new subfamilies Crossopetaloideae, Maytenoideae, Microtropioideae, Monimopetaloideae, and Salaciopsioideae. We identified five genera that likely require generic recircumscriptions: Cassine, Elachyptera, Gymnosporia, Salacia, and Semialarium. Genera that had not been previously sampled in Sanger-sequence-based studies are resolved as follows: Arnicratea is sister to Reissantia, Bequaertia is in a clade with Campylostemon and Tristemonanthus, Goniodiscus is sister to Wilczekra, Ptelidium is nested within Elaeodendron, and Tetrasiphon is most closely related to Gyminda.

Mark P. Simmons, Julio A. Lombardi, and Leonardo Biral "Classification of the Celastrales Based on Integration of Genomic, Morphological, and Sanger-Sequence Characters," Systematic Botany 48(2), 283-299, (23 June 2023).
Published: 23 June 2023
character mapping
subfamily delimitation
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