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29 December 2023 Opinion 2500 (Case 3790) – Proposed review of Opinion 2404 and reconsideration of Case 3633: Dysactis pallida Agassiz in Verrill, 1864 (currently Exaiptasia pallida; Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Hexacorallia, Actiniaria): proposed precedence over Exaiptasia diaphana (Rapp, 1829) not approved

The International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature has declined to use its plenary power to reverse Opinion 2404 regarding Case 3633 which would have resulted in giving priority to the species-group name Dysactis pallida Agassiz in Verrill, 1864 (currently Exaiptasia pallida) over Dysactis diaphana Rapp, 1829 (currently Exaiptasia diaphana). As a result, the Ruling given in Opinion 2404 stands and the species-group name pallida Agassiz in Verrill, 1864, as published in the binomen Dysactis pallida, will not be given precedence over the species-group name diaphana Rapp, 1829, as published in the binomen Actinia diaphana, whenever the two are considered synonyms.

"Opinion 2500 (Case 3790) – Proposed review of Opinion 2404 and reconsideration of Case 3633: Dysactis pallida Agassiz in Verrill, 1864 (currently Exaiptasia pallida; Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Hexacorallia, Actiniaria): proposed precedence over Exaiptasia diaphana (Rapp, 1829) not approved," The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 80(1), 105-106, (29 December 2023).
Published: 29 December 2023
Aiptasia diaphana
Aiptasia pallida
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