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1 December 2007 Biology Of Galeodes caspius subfuscus (Solifugae, Galeodidae)
Martina Hrušková-Martišová, Stano Pekár, Alexander Gromov
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This study reports on some observations on the biology of the Central Asian solifuge, Galeodes caspius subfuscus Birula 1937. Solifuges were active only during summer months. At other times, they were found in burrows located in sandy soils on southeast facing slopes. They were strictly nocturnal in their activity patterns. Small specimens (juveniles) were observed to forage only in the bush using a “sit-and-wait” strategy, while large specimens (subadults and adults) foraged actively only upon the ground. Their prey included various insects including Trichoptera, Coleoptera, and Ensifera. Mating behavior appeared aggressive as several females consumed males either before or after copulation. The mating is described in detail. After mating, females deposited eggs in a burrow and guarded them, presumably until hatching.

Martina Hrušková-Martišová, Stano Pekár, and Alexander Gromov "Biology Of Galeodes caspius subfuscus (Solifugae, Galeodidae)," The Journal of Arachnology 35(3), 546-550, (1 December 2007).
Received: 20 December 2006; Published: 1 December 2007
habitat preference
sexual cannibalism
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