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11 May 2021 Evidence of piercing and sexual differences in venom composition in a sexual stinging scorpion (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae)
Laura Olguín-Pérez, Oscar F. Francke, Alejandro Carbajal-Saucedo
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The males of the Mexican species Megacormus gertschi Díaz-Najera, 1966 (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae: Megacorminae) sting the female repeatedly in the pedipalp tibia-patella intersegmental membrane (TPIM) during the initiation of the promenade a deux. It has been suggested that the male's venom introduced during this “sexual sting” behavior could generate some sedative effect and reduce the possibility of being cannibalized by the female. However, this is unsupported by evidence regarding venom transference. Here, we provide evidence of perforation of the TPIM by the male aculeus and venom transfer during sexual sting performance. We also provide the first venom characterization of this species and show that it has a sexually dimorphic composition. These results, in combination with observations that the sexual sting is displayed in successful matings with non-defensive females, lead us to consider the pre-insemination sexual stinging as a non-genitalic sexual interaction with a potential role as a courtship element.

Laura Olguín-Pérez, Oscar F. Francke, and Alejandro Carbajal-Saucedo "Evidence of piercing and sexual differences in venom composition in a sexual stinging scorpion (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae)," The Journal of Arachnology 49(1), 98-107, (11 May 2021).
Received: 28 August 2019; Published: 11 May 2021
Coercive sexual behavior
female choice
Megacormus gertschi
scorpion venom
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