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31 December 2024 Bees nesting in insect galls and a description of a novel nesting site for Megachile montivaga Cresson, 1878 (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) in goldenrod ball galls of Solidago altissima L. (Asteraceae)
Carol C. Mapes, Julia Falkowski, Gregory P. Setliff, Kelly Gallagher, Jenna P. Ruoss, Lucas Mortensen, Evan Hinkle, Roberta Beard, Roland Hilger
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Megachile montivaga Cresson, 1878 is a solitary bee that has been documented to nest in the soil, trap nests, and in the stems of several different plant species within its native range in North America. In this study, M. montivaga is shown for the first time to nest in goldenrod ball galls of Solidago altissima L. (Asteraceae). Adults of M. montivaga were reared from ball galls that have a characteristic basal surface excavation that serves as the nest entrance. A survey of 6702 goldenrod ball galls was conducted at 31 sites in three Mid-Atlantic states to gain a better understanding of the frequency with which M. montivaga nests in goldenrod ball galls. Ball galls with basal surface excavations characteristic of nest entrances for this species were found at 14 field sites in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York in this study. Goldenrod ball galls with nests yielded five adult bees of M. montivaga; six additional galls had definitive evidence of bee nesting activity as they contained bee nesting materials in brood chambers. A limited number of bee species have previously been shown to nest in other types of insect galls; herein, we provide a review of what is already known about this interesting phenomenon. Prior studies have documented that selected species of bees can nest in particular types of abandoned insect galls, while this study provides evidence that M. montivaga can form nests in living, occupied ball galls of S. altissima.

Carol C. Mapes, Julia Falkowski, Gregory P. Setliff, Kelly Gallagher, Jenna P. Ruoss, Lucas Mortensen, Evan Hinkle, Roberta Beard, and Roland Hilger "Bees nesting in insect galls and a description of a novel nesting site for Megachile montivaga Cresson, 1878 (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) in goldenrod ball galls of Solidago altissima L. (Asteraceae)," The Pan-Pacific Entomologist 100(4), 384-393, (31 December 2024).
Received: 5 April 2024; Accepted: 27 July 2024; Published: 31 December 2024
bee nests
Eurosta solidaginis
goldenrod ball galls
Solidago altissima
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