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1 April 2017 Age, Growth, and Simulation Modeling of Walleye and Palmetto Bass Populations in Cheney and El Dorado Reservoirs, Kansas
Brian A. Serpan, Scott A. Brack, William J. Stark
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Cheney and El Dorado reservoirs are located near urban areas in south-central Kansas and receive high use by anglers. Additionally, both reservoirs contain invasive White Perch Morone americana, which adds incentive to use informed decisions to minimize the effects of this species and maximize angler enjoyment. This study was conducted to provide age and growth information, assess the status of current fish populations, and model potential outcomes for management decisions by using Beverton-Holt yieldper- recruit models. We collected age and growth data from nine species of fish, but a concurrent study indicated that only Walleye Sander vitreus and Palmetto Bass M. saxatilis × M. chrysops consumed White Perch in high numbers (>5% occurrence with a sample size >50 individuals). As such, the focus of this paper was these two species. Results suggested that growth was similar for Walleye from both reservoirs and Palmetto Bass grew more rapidly in Cheney Reservoir. Additionally, growth overfishing was observed in most models for Walleye, as well as Palmetto Bass models with lower lengthlimits and lower conditional natural mortality. Based on these models, more restrictive length limits could be justified for Walleye at both reservoirs and for Palmetto Bass at Cheney Reservoir if natural mortality rates are low.

Brian A. Serpan, Scott A. Brack, and William J. Stark "Age, Growth, and Simulation Modeling of Walleye and Palmetto Bass Populations in Cheney and El Dorado Reservoirs, Kansas," Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 120(1–2), 73-81, (1 April 2017).
Published: 1 April 2017
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