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3 May 2022 New and Noteworthy Records of Vascular Plants for Kansas
Craig C. Freeman
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Recent fieldwork in eastern Kansas resulted in the discovery to two species of vascular plants previously unreported in the state (Aphanes australis, Mazus miquelii) and new collections of six species previously documented by historical collections or few recent collections (Cerastium dubium, Crepis capillaris, Geranium dissectum, Ranunculus parviflorus, Torilis nodosa, Trifolium resupinatum). All species reported here are considered non-native in Kansas.

Craig C. Freeman "New and Noteworthy Records of Vascular Plants for Kansas," Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 125(1-2), 68-70, (3 May 2022).
Published: 3 May 2022
Aphanes australis
Mazus miquelii
non-native flora
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