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19 April 2021 The Role of Media During COVID-19 Global Outbreak: A Conservation Perspective
Gugulethu Tarakini, Tongayi Mwedzi, Tatenda Manyuchi, Tawanda Tarakini
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The COVID-19 pandemic is fast driving the ways of life and economies. In this study, we used Zimbabwe as a case study to assess how different forms of media are being utilised to access information of the COVID-19 disease (across age, educational level, and employment status). We investigated people’s perceptions of the origins of COVID-19, its implication on the continued consumption of meat from wildlife species by humans, and management strategies of wildlife species that harbour the coronavirus. We gathered 139 responses using an online structured questionnaire survey. Social media platforms were used to acquire information on the COVID-19 pandemic when compared to traditional sources (television, radio, and newspapers). Most respondents thought that the COVID-19 virus was created by humans (n = 55, mostly the young and middle-aged) while others believed that it originated from animals (n = 54, mostly middle-aged with postgraduate qualifications). The majority (73%) of respondents who cited COVID-19 origin as animals also supported a ban on consumption of meat from the species. The middle-aged respondents (in comparison to the young and older respondents) and those who were employed (compared to the unemployed) were more likely to support the ban in wildlife trade. The likelihood of visiting wildlife centres given the consequences of COVID-19 was significantly lower in the old-aged respondents when compared to the young and the middle-aged respondents. Our results emphasize the need for science to penetrate social media circles to provide appropriate information. The observed perceptions about visiting wildlife centres could negatively impact conservation funding.

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Gugulethu Tarakini, Tongayi Mwedzi, Tatenda Manyuchi, and Tawanda Tarakini "The Role of Media During COVID-19 Global Outbreak: A Conservation Perspective," Tropical Conservation Science 14(1), (19 April 2021).
Received: 14 March 2021; Accepted: 16 March 2021; Published: 19 April 2021
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