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19 August 2013 Novel tropical forests: Nature's response to global change
Ariel E. Lugo
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We now live in a world dominated by humans (the Anthropocene), whose activities on Earth are resulting in new habitats and new environmental conditions, including climate change. To many, the Anthropocene is an era of environmental doom that unless reversed, will result in catastrophic reductions in biodiversity. An alternate view is that the biota will adjust to the new environmental conditions and through processes of species mixing and self-organization will form sustainable novel communities of organisms. Using examples from Puerto Rico, I discuss the conditions that lead to novel forest formation and the characteristics of these forests, including their species composition. Novel forests include native tree and animal species as well as significant numbers of introduced and naturalized species. These introduced species dominate forest stands, and their dominance is not incompatible with the regeneration of native species. I propose that these types of ecosystems might represent the natural response of the biota to the Anthropocene.

© 2013 Ariel E. Lugo This is an open access paper. We use the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license - The license permits any user to download, print out, extract, archive, and distribute the article, so long as appropriate credit is given to the authors and source of the work. The license ensures that the published article will be as widely available as possible and that the article can be included in any scientific archive. Open Access authors retain the copyrights of their papers. Open access is a property of individual works, not necessarily journals or publishers.
Ariel E. Lugo "Novel tropical forests: Nature's response to global change," Tropical Conservation Science 6(3), 325-337, (19 August 2013).
Received: 8 June 2010; Accepted: 30 January 2013; Published: 19 August 2013
introduced species
Puerto Rico
tropical succession
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