Weed Science continues to be one of the premier journals in the discipline and in the agronomic sciences. The Editorial Board and staff strive to improve the efficiency of the publication process and improve the scope of the journal. Weed Science is seeking to publish more reviews and symposium articles. This year, we will publish a symposium on the environmental effects of herbicide resistance. Work is progressing on a special issue that will serve as a research methods book.
There will be a couple of changes to the journal format for 2014. First, you will notice that the journal has a new literature citation style. This style is more streamlined and similar to what many journals are doing now.
The other change may not be as noticeable, but Weed Science is now using the ORCID (open researcher and contributor ID) system. Authors' ORCID numbers will be a part of the footnote that identifies each author's affiliation (university, business, etc.). The ORCID is a unique 16-digit number that identifies separate authors when they have similar names or initials. It is similar to a DOI (digital object identifier), but it identifies authors instead of articles. If you are not familiar with ORCIDs, more information can be found at http://orcid.org/. PeerTrack has been modified so that authors can provide their ORCIDs when they submit a manuscript.
The excellent reputation of the journal would not be possible without the cutting-edge research submitted by authors. For the 12 mo preceding September 1, 2013, 211 manuscripts were submitted to Weed Science, compared with 210 in the previous 12-mo period. Of the manuscripts submitted, 41% were accepted, compared with 49% the previous year. The time from submission to first decision was 47 d this past year compared with 58 d for the previous year, and the time from submission to final decision was 107 d. Table 1 shows the Impact Factor for Weed Science and other related journals for 2011 and the aggregated numbers during the past 5 yr.
Table 1.
Impact factor of Weed Science and comparable journals in 2011 (Anonymous 2013).
For the year preceding September 1, 2013, the journal depended on 312 unique reviewers from 30 countries for peer review. We genuinely appreciate the diligent work of the Editorial Board and the hundreds of refereed reviews that are submitted annually. I personally wish to thank the members of the Editorial Board and reviewers for all their efforts on behalf of the journal in 2013.
Editorial Board 2013
Wun S. Chao
Sharon Clay
Adam Davis
Franck E. Dayan
J. Anita Dille
William E. Dyer
Timothy L. Grey
Amy Lawton-Rauh
John L. Lindquist
Stephen Murphy
Vijay Nandula
Chris Preston
Dean Riechers
Hilary Sandler
Steven Seefeldt
Patrick J. Tranel
Theodore Webster
Martin M. Williams II
Weed Science Reviewers, November 16, 2012–November 15, 2013
Ana Alonso-Simón
James V. Anderson
Randy L. Anderson
Christian Andreasen
Andre Andres
Renee S. Arias
Jamshid Ashigh
Muthukumar V. Bagavathiannan
Michael Barrett
Carol Baskin
Lammert Bastiaans
Daizy Rani Batish
Hugh J. Beckie
Roberto Benech-Arnold
Diane Lyse Benoit
Lori K. Benoit
Brian L. Beres
Mark Lee Bernards
Henrique von Hertwig Bittencourt
Robert E. Blackshaw
Victoria Borowicz
Daniel Brainard
James T. Brosnan
Ian C. Burke
James D. Burton
Philip Busey
Roberto Busi
Ana Caicedo
John Cardina
Leonardo Bianco Carvalho
Demosthenis Chachalis
Rakesh S. Chandran
Raghavan Charudattan
Bhagirath Singh Chauhan
Michael J. Christoffers
Sharon Clay
Warren Conway
Daniel Cook
Miguel Copete
Roberto J. Crespo
Cristina Cruz
Hugo Cruz-Hipolito
William Stevenson Curran
Caleb D. Dalley
Christos Damalas
Henri Darmency
Avishek Datta
Vince M. Davis
Rafael Alberto De Prado Amian
Chantal Dechamp
Carla Andréa Delatorre
Jeffrey F. Derr
J. Anita Dille
Giovanni Dinelli
Antonio DiTommaso
Douglas J. Doohan
Stephen Duke
John Franklin Egan
Ilias George Eleftherohorinos
Norman C. Ellstrand
Seyed V. Eslami
Paul C.C. Feng
Jason Ferrell
Rodrigo Figueroa
Albert Fischer
Frank Forcella
George Frisvold
Todd A. Gaines
Eric R. Gallandt
Travis W. Gannon
David Gealy
Roland Gerhards
Kevin D. Gibson
Les Glasgow
Greta Gramig
Timothy L. Grey
James L. Griffin
Robert H. Gulden
Linda Hall
Bradley D. Hanson
Stuart Patrick Hardegree
K. Neil Harker
Kent Kent Harrison
Jeffrey Herrick
Melissa J. Hills
Robert E. Hoagland
David P. Horvath
Jared Adam Hoyle
Cynthia Huebner
Andrew G. Hulting
Lynn Ingegneri
Claudia S. Ingham
Jordi Izquierdo
Marie A. Jasieniuk
Katherine M. Jennings
Prashant Jha
William G. Johnson
Nicholas Royal Jordan
Shiv Kaundun
George Ogada Kegode
Andrew Robert Kniss
Klaus Kreuz
Per Kudsk
Virender Kumar
Fabiane Pinto Lamego
Sarah Lancaster
Lawrence W. Lass
Ryan Lee
Ramon G. Leon
Matt Liebman
Ginger G. Light
John L. Lindquist
Rick S. Llewellyn
Christopher John Lortie
Jon Lundgren
Mark Lundy
H.S. Lur
Gregory MacDonald
Gulshan Mahajan
Carol A. Mallory-Smith
Joseph H. Massey
Mitsuhiro Matsuo
Bruce D. Maxwell
Lambert B. McCarty
William B. McCloskey
Patrick E. McCullough
Joseph Scott McElroy
Kristen E. McNaughton
Fabian Daniel Menalled
Lindsey Milbrath
Steven B. Mirsky
Charles L. Mohler
Martin Mortimer
Thomas C. Mueller
Paul Neve
Robert L. Nichols
Scott Jay Nissen
Dennis Calvin Odero
Maria Dolores Osuna Ruiz
Micheal D. K. Owen
William Louis Patzoldt
Alejandro Perez-Jones
Dallas E. Peterson
Angela R. Post
Andrew Jennings Price
Atul Puri
Alan Raybould
Jordi Recasens
Emilie E. Regnier
Karen A. Renner
Boris Rewald
Darren E. Robinson
Frank Rossi
Matthew Ryan
Robert Douglas Sammons
Brian J. Schutte
Julio Alejandro Scursoni
Brent A. Sellers
Dale L. Shaner
David R. Shaw
Anil Shrestha
Peter H. Sikkema
Samunder Singh
Reid J. Smeda
Upender R. Somireddy
Lynn M. Sosnoskie
Josef Soukup
Christy L. Sprague
Phillip Stahlman
Rex Stanton
Tracy M. Sterling
Neal Stewart
David E. Stoltenberg
Stephen D. Strachan
Clarence J. Swanton
Andreu Taberner
François J. Tardif
John Teasdale
Ilias S. Travlos
Mahesh K. Upadhyaya
Rene Van Acker
Mark VanGessel
Martin Miguel Vila-Aiub
Jean Wagner
JinXin Wang
Sarah Ward
Shouhui Wei
Jeff Weidenhamer
Martin Weis
Paula Westerman
Leslie Ann Weston
Philip Westra
James H. Westwood
Timothy Lee Widmer
Hanwen Wu
Marcos Ezequiel Yanniccari
Bryan G. Young
Stephen L. Young
Bernard H. Zandstra
Lewis H. Ziska