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14 February 2023 Germination Responses of Vipergrass (Dinebra retroflexa) to Environmental Factors and Herbicide Options for Its Control
Sachin Dhanda, Kartik Sharma, Bhagirath Singh Chauhan
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Vipergrass [Dinebra retroflexa (Vahl) Panzer] is an annual weed of the Poaceae family distributed in several parts of Australia, Asia, and Europe. Very limited information is available on its germination response to different environmental conditions. Knowledge of its seed ecology and biology could help in formulating better weed management decisions. Experiments were conducted to study the effect of alternating temperatures, light conditions, salt stress, water stress, seed burial depths, and wheat residue amounts on the germination or emergence of D. retroflexa. Also, different pre- and postemergence herbicides were evaluated to control D. retroflexa. The highest germination (98%) was recorded at 30/20 C followed by 35/25 C (95%). Light was required for the germination of D. retroflexa. Germination decreased with an increase in sodium chloride (NaCl) concentrations. Even at 80 mM NaCl, 81% of seeds germinated, indicating D. retroflexa's high salt tolerance. Seed germination gradually decreased with an increase in water stress, and no germination was recorded at –0.8 MPa osmotic potential. The emergence of D. retroflexa decreased with an increase in seed burial depths. The highest germination (83%) was recorded for surface-sown seeds, and emergence was reduced to 0 at a burial depth of 2 cm. Seedling emergence decreased from 82% to 2% when the crop residue load was increased from 0 to 800 kg ha–1. Applications of preemergence herbicides (at field rates), such as diuron, isoxaflutole, pendimethalin, pyroxasulfone, S-metolachlor, terbuthylazine, and triallate, and postemergence herbicides, such as clethodim, haloxyfop-methyl, glufosinate, glyphosate, imazamox plus imazapyr (a commercial mixture), and paraquat, resulted in complete control (100%) of D. retroflexa. Knowledge gained from this study will help us to understand the potential spread of D. retroflexa to other areas and to formulate integrated weed management strategies for its effective control.

Sachin Dhanda, Kartik Sharma, and Bhagirath Singh Chauhan "Germination Responses of Vipergrass (Dinebra retroflexa) to Environmental Factors and Herbicide Options for Its Control," Weed Science 71(2), 124-132, (14 February 2023).
Received: 8 August 2022; Accepted: 23 January 2023; Published: 14 February 2023
preemergence herbicides
residue retention
salt stress
water stress
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