Creeping bentgrass creates a dense, high-quality playing surface on golf courses, but it often encroaches adjacent areas of Kentucky bluegrass. Mesotrione can control creeping bentgrass in Kentucky bluegrass, but more information is needed regarding the effect of herbicide rate and number of applications on creeping bentgrass control and the impact to Kentucky bluegrass. Field experiments were conducted to determine the effect of application rate and number of applications on creeping bentgrass control. One application of mesotrione controlled 7 to 43% of creeping bentgrass in Kentucky bluegrass, and two applications of mesotrione controlled 39 to 88% as rates increased from 70 to 1,120 g ai/ha. Gaps present in the canopy after the creeping bentgrass died reduced overall turfgrass quality 2 to 6 wk after treatment (WAT) before recovering. These data indicate the capability of mesotrione to selectively control creeping bentgrass while providing excellent safety to Kentucky bluegrass.
Nomenclature: Mesotrione; creeping bentgrass, Agrostis stolonifera L. AGSST; Kentucky bluegrass, Poa pratensis L. POAPR.