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7 June 2024 Pink purslane (Portulaca pilosa) control with postemergence herbicides
Nicholas J. Shay, Eric P. Prostko
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Pink purslane is often ranked as one of the most troublesome weeds in vegetable production systems in Georgia. Pink purslane encroachment along field edges and in-field of agronomic crops has recently increased. Postemergence herbicides are an effective component of agronomic crop weed management. However, little research has addressed pink purslane control in agronomic crops. Therefore, greenhouse and field studies were conducted from 2022 to 2023 in Tifton, Georgia, to evaluate the response of pink purslane to postemergence herbicides commonly used in agronomic crops. Greenhouse screening provided preliminary evidence whereby 13 of the 21 postemergence herbicides evaluated provided ≥80% aboveground biomass reductions. These 13 herbicides were then used for field studies. Results from the field studies, pooled across two locations, indicated that only three of the 13 herbicides provided aboveground biomass reductions of ≥70% compared to the nontreated control. Those herbicides included atrazine at 1,682 g ai ha–1, glufosinate at 656 g ai ha–1, and lactofen at 219 g ai ha–1 with 79%, 70%, and 83% biomass reduction, respectively (P < 0.05). This research suggests that many of the postemergence herbicides used on agronomic crops will not effectively control pink purslane. Thus, when trying to manage pink purslane with postemergence herbicides in agronomic crops, growers should plant crops or cultivars that are tolerant of either atrazine, glufosinate, lactofen, or a combination of these.

Nomenclature: Acifluorfen; atrazine; bentazon; carfentrazone; chlorimuron; dicamba; diclosulam; diuron; fomesafen; glyphosate; glufosinate; imazapic; lactofen; mesotrione; paraquat; tembotrione; tolpyralate; topramezone; 2,4-D choline; 2,4-DB; pink purslane, Portulaca pilosa L. PORPI

Nicholas J. Shay and Eric P. Prostko "Pink purslane (Portulaca pilosa) control with postemergence herbicides," Weed Technology 38(1), 1-6, (7 June 2024).
Received: 27 February 2024; Accepted: 24 April 2024; Published: 7 June 2024
weed control
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